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RE: Cures your Doctors Won't Tell you About

in #health7 years ago

One of the reasons meditation is so effective is that is is a right brained modality. We are stuck in a predominately left brained society, due to education, jobs, worldview and the media.

Some people are heavily right brain imbalanced. This includes some people who do not think the physical world matters or are extremely religious etc. For these types of people engaging in deep logical though and contemplation, or left brained modalities, may be what's required to balance them out.

Self analysis, or true Self Respect (which means to look at ones self again) will assist you in determining your own particular imbalance, if you have one. You can then determine the most effective way to treat yourself.

Our society promotes imbalance and as such most will be heavily imbalanced one way or the other, with the majority of society being left brain dominant.

Thanks for the great post! All amazing ways to improve health.