If you take the movies as an example, the theme always use to be heart attacks and stokes, now it is cancer. Everyone is getting it from youth to the elderly. While smoking is always going to put you at greater risk there are also so many other factors which are also putting us at risk!
Food is a big one. The food older generations use to eat is very different to what are staples in most of our lives today. They didn't have per-packaged foods, they cooked properly with real ingredients. If you look search the timeline which these foods started becoming the "norm", health started to decline. We never use to eat GMO foods either, it is said that wheat is so modified now that body doesn't even recognise it as food. How many people did you hear of with gluten allergies and intolerances back in the 50's, 60's and 70's? There's something to be said for that! Then there is the chemicals they spray on our food, something the body should never be having!
Air quality has also changed... industry is polluting our air with very little consideration. I believe diesel cars aren't doing us any favors either, the level of exhaust pollution in my locals streets is becoming bad and we're all breathing that in.
Then there is the unseen pollutants that we can't see, feel or touch. The amount of low level frequency radiation running through our air now is simply out of control! This is the radiation emitted from phone towers, mobile/cell phones, wifi, bluetooth and so many of the devices that have now become the morn in most people's everyday lives. Most people have no idea what dangers are attached to all of these things and industry is working very hard to keep it quiet. The latest study (the NTP) results have found that this non-ironising radiation is causing us damage yet non-ironising radiation isn't taken into account when they set the safety standards on these devices. With the introduction of 5G coming soon it will only continue to get worse! It is said that 5G will increase skin cancers and trouble with the eyes. Don't be fooled in thinking once 5G coming in that the 3G and 4G networks will be closed, because they won't, they will be all running together, lots of differing frequencies all running through our air together which does make it worse for our bodies.
As we continue to put our bodies through more and more stress chemically and environmentally, cancer statistics are only going to continue to rise. My question is, how bad is it going to have to get until we believe the science to make the changes to get back to where we need to be and how many lives are going to be lost within that time?
Oh I also forgot to mention products we're using on our bodies that are full of chemicals - from skincare to make up to deodorant to washing up powders and liquids... the list goes on and on. While many claim to be "natural" when you read the back there are still often names that you could never pronounce.
My theory is now, if I can't read it and know what it is, I probably shouldn't be putting it on my skin. And if we look at the latest news about sunscreen and harmful effects it has been having on our bodies... imagine what the rest of it is doing!
Yes, I read somewhere someone said- if there is an ingredient she could not read on the labels, she does not eat or use that product...
Thanks for the info. Really helpful.
Yeah, it seems to be the way we all need to be moving now.
Oh you're welcome, I love seeing conversation starters like this, it is starting to become a major issue within our society and in turn our loved ones, family, friends and our communities.
Something has to change and we are the ones with that power to make the change. I just don't think the majority of society is ready for that just yet. I fear it will have to get a lot worse before it starts to get better!
Food, pollutants, radiation-- i could not agree more. There are really many factors that add to the risk and it is indeed frightening...
Yeah that's it... it's not just one thing but a collective of many things!