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RE: Sleep Apnea – The first sleep with breathing support

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Many people don't even know that they have sleep apnea. Often this is observed in hospital stays. As was probably the case with you. Sleep apnea is usually Obstructiv (narrowing of the upper respiratory organs). As it becomes too hard to breathe, many people snore. Eventually this becomes too heavy ("for the belly") and you stop breathing until a danger signal is triggered by the brain. There's no Deepsleep. One is constantly awakened, must go to the toilet. You don't want to sleep anymore because it's not a rest. During the day one is tired and the concentration suffers. That's the way it was with me. I have been using the device for two days and it is much better. I sleep for more than 7 hours with the mask. I notice how power returns in me and my dark eyesrings disappear.

In your case, I'd go to a sleep lab to check it out. At least I would discuss the problem with a specialist. If you are woken 3-4 times this is not normal.

CPAP technology has been the most successful measure against sleep apnea for many years. And many people are affected.


I think you misunderstood me. I have a machine. I did not have any problems sleeping before getting the machine. It is only since I got the machine that I have been having problems sleeping. I told the pulmonologist several times and he shrugged it off.

As for being in the hospital, I have had about 20 surgeries in the past 10 years due to being hit by a semi truck. Three of the surgeries where within 6 months of getting the machine and no one noticed anything at that time.

It hasn't made me feel better, have a better attitude, think better or anything. But everyone is different. My husband had to get one because he was a truck driver and was forced to take the test. It helped him tremendously but I've been using it for almost 2 years now and its done nothing for me.

Hello@Fernowl13, right, I thought in the clinic it was noticed...

It is difficult to give a qualitative advice here. Sleep apnea is just one of many sleep diseases. If you take medications, they can affect your sleep. Perhaps it is also things, such as your accident, which you employ in your sleep. There are many things that can affect a healthy sleep.

My suggestion:
Try to make a polygraphy. There are mobile devices here. This allows you to test yourself at home. The devices are so good today that the expressive power is enormous. In the polygraphy, the wake up reactions are visible to the doctor.

Contact your device manufacturer. Maybe something is wrong with the device. If you use a normal CPAP, only a stable pressure is generated. Some devices have comfort levels such as C-Flex or A-Flex, which are often not activated, but facilitate breathing. Modern devices recognize the breathing pattern and automatically adjust the pressure (APAP).

Check your mask. The breathing mask should not push or slide. I was advised to change the mask every year because the silicone pad hardens and no longer seals properly.

And don't give up, the sleep apnea device is supposed to help you and not torment you.

Sadly, Polygraphs do not work on me. Ever wonder why polygraphs are not admissible in court? Because anyone who is born with Mitral Valve Prolapse (MVP) is about 95% guaranteed to fail them. It is nothing but a heart murmur, extremely common, but it basically causes a person to have a third heart beat. Drastically screws up polygraph results.

I appreciate all your help and advice. But at this point, it is what it is and since losing my health insurance last month (I can not afford the $1100 a month they were going up to), there really is nothing more I can do about but live with it. I live in a state where anyone between the ages of 55 and 62 are SOL if they can't afford insurance.

I say this: decentralisation! And we all feel better!
Is that why we are not also on this platform?