Opioid Epidemic

in #health8 years ago

So currently in my situation I have TMJ from the mix of sleep and desserts being an inflammatory that makes it worse. Well I went to an urgent care to see what can be done to prevent/heal my problem and after sitting down for 2 hours I finally went in to see the doctor. I walked in to see him and all he did was put slight pressure on my head then asks me if I am in pain and of course I was dealing with TMJ for the first time. He then prescribed me to 5 different things ranging from a higher does of ibuprofen to different versions of opioids.

Now the stuff helped curb the pain but the opioid variant wasnt a necessary thing to prescribe as there was the higher doses of ibuprofen and usually you would prescribe that if its really bad vs when it first starts out. I was honestly shocked how easy it was to get something like this the doctor didnt check for anything other than ask questions. Now I am not a doctor or know much about healthcare but I see clearly that it needs to change soon before it gets worse as this issue of prescribing has become a huge issue in the US.


Its sad that your story is not uncommon. It seems like doctors have lost sight of prescribing just what is needed to curb the pain. /stopping before rant

My god I had no clue how easy it is with no prior knowledge of this and easily it shows that keep patients on edge rather than heal you can make more money

I wonder if the doctors are afraid of being sued by a patient that was not overly satisfied with their pain relief or if something more corrupt is going on. Sad stuff either way.

Got to keep those Afganistan CIA poppy fields rolling in billions. Yea your government controlled health care and the big pharma industries are the same people making trillions all together and your tax dollars subsidize it. You are paying for your own slow kill. Stop payin taxes even if you have to quit your job. I love being a runaway slave. And "i prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery." Thomas Jefferson .

I agree and makes me think with something like cancer thats a multi billion dollar project why we havnt gotten close yet