Healing and transformation requires massive amounts of life force energy – Qi (chi) – and nothing drains this faster than masturbation/ejaculation for a male.
It’s no mistake that they call a male orgasm “La Petit Mort” in French. This means “The little death.” One of the saddest parts of humanity right now is that it has become the “norm” for a male to masturbate on a daily basis.
I have firm beliefs that if male masturbation was reduced, the entire state of the world would change in drastic positive ways. Watch what happens to your Qi and your entire aura if you can hold in your Qi for weeks, and eventually months. Your entire vibe will change.
Absolutely agree, great comment! I think a big hurdle is that the extremely positive effects are hard to convey with words and must be experienced. Inbetween addictions to ejaculation and instant gratification in general we just don't have that great of an incentive to test this out...