Short story-
I can now touch my toes.
Long story-
I have always had tight hamstrings and calves. Always. I've stretched but never gotten anywhere. I fairly lean, 6' 155lbs. I have never touched my toes before in my life without bending my legs to bring them to my hands. BUT OH MY GOSH!!! Right before this video I was 4 1/4" away from reaching my toes with tears in my eyes from the stretch in my legs. I went through exactly what you said and I TOUCHED MY TOES! I DID IT!!! For the very first time I have finally touched my toes with my legs being straight. For many people this may not seem like much but the emotion when they made contact was beyond words. Thank you for helping make this dream a reality.
sarcasm good for you @jmehta , as you go through life in with rigid hand closed you will never be open to anything good or bad and your agility is the first thing to lose along with your vision of the future but a least now you think about touching your toes.