Mommy Detergent Song

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Was breaking in hives and wanted to stay alive. What can you do? What are the natural remedies? Well in many cases, people are allergic to detergent, soap, medicine, some foods, some things, some drugs, but why? There might be maybe twelve ingredients listed on your detergent box, but what about the sub-ingredients?

Made this video singing a song I wrote about it. People call me Oatmeal because I eat oatmeal and Oatmeal can be pure. But GMO and some of the more faker foods will be like cancer and like the wrong thing in the wrong ways. Life can be pretty complex. Keep things simple and you'll be happier.

Get back to the roots of life. I've included the music video below and the lyrics are at the bottom of this post. This video was posted on my YouTube and the video may stay there until YouTube bans me like they did to my OJAWALL channel back in October 2017. In other words, YouTube and Facebook and Rothschild and others are all breaking out in HIVES.

Big scary HIVES.

Song about HIVES

2018-02-01 Thursday 06:30 PM LMS: Mommy Detergent Song
Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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Mommy Detergent Song

My mom wash my clothes
With detergent.
And hopefully that
Makes a big dent.

But then I put my clothes on
And start breaking in hives.
So, my mom throws away the detergent
To help keep me alive.


Nice, I've upvote please upvote and follback
