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RE: Children Vaccinated At Birth For Hepatitis B in Australia! Why?

in #health8 years ago

Since your kids are completely unvaccinated please read this atricle and reconsider your decision.

There are dangers to your kids and others.


Thank you for you comment however I do not have children. This post was about my beautiful nieces. I will however read your link. I appreciate your comments and all discussion on this topic. I have spent a lifetime travelling the world, living across all spectrums and my personal experience does not gel with the narrative of the pharmaceutical industry. I study continuously and from what I have learnt if I did have children I would not vaccinate them. =)

I hope the learning continues on both end and i hope you reconsider vaccines when and if you do have children.

Thank you! I am always interested in learning.

The more I learn about vaccines combined with my own experiences in medical corruption are leading me away from vaccination if I ever have children. However I tried to write my post without extreme bias I just wanted to pose some questions!

Cheers =)

My response is that I'm not going to Light My Child on Fire because you think that it will keep your child warm. NO WAY!

Two things to clarify.
I don't live near you so a direct herd protection does not apply for me directly, but it does for your friends and family.
Second, the other parents and kids around you are already vaccinated and they are not "on fire" just to keep your kids safe. Herd amunity is real. This recently happened in my country.

There have been more cases of measles this year in this community than the rest of the US in 10 years. The reason it is not as big of a problem as it could be is becuase the vast majority are vaccinated. Of course its your choice, but just make it wisely.

It doesn't seem like you have read any of the links in my original comment or the last one. I have spent hours upon hours researching and writing those articles, and I'm not going to type it all out here in these comments for you.

I did look at your link, and it said that I had to vaccinate in order to protect other children. That is what I was responding to when I said that I won't light my child on fire to protect other children.

If you had read my last link, you would see that all vaccines comes with a known long list of possible dangerous side affects. Not lighting my child on fire, means that I'm not going to risk my child's health for anybody else.

I have no fear of measles. I had measles and everybody around me had measles when I was a child, and I knew nobody who was injured from measles.
On the other hand, I know PLENTY of children who have been injured by vaccines. I've spoken to lots and lots of people (real life and online) and when you start asking people for their stories, and they feel safe around you, the stories of vaccine injury will POUR out of them.

My own good friend was hospitalized for months and almost died from her own measles (MMR) vaccine at age of 5. After that experience, her mom no longer vaccinated her, and now she has not vaccinated her own 3 children.

Most people do not make the decision to not vaccinate lightly -- they spend hours upon hours and weeks, months and years of research.

A great comment about having measles! I had chicken-pox when I was younger and I enjoyed having a few days off school! LOL! I wouldn't want to deny other children the chance to stay home for a few days! =)

Upvoted! =)

With all due respect, and not being interested in starting a forever discussion on vaccines, there is an explanation on why there are so many cases of measles in your country. Apparently last generation women were vaccinated, and hence the protection to the illness wore off in a some years. So when these women have children nowadays their children don't have the protection from their mothers milk in comparison to the mothers who had the illness (and hence lifelong protection).
You can see any conference by Immunologist Tetyana Obukhanych for example, where she shows actual data and graphs to show how vaccination on mild illnesses is a problem left for the next generation.
Again, my sole intention replying to your post is to inform you since you appear completely lost on the matter. Good luck

I have looked in Obukhanych, and her credentials are a bit lacking and 3 of her 8 papers published support using vaccines. Your apeal to authority does not hold water well.

Yes breast milk is incredible for kids and it boost the immune system of the kids. Please breast feed, that helps. But your point of vaccines wearing off would only strengthens the need for the kids to have them. If you have one as a kid, and in 40 years it wears off, and you don't vaccinate you kids, you could potentially give it to them or vise versa.

I have been vaccinated against just about everything possible, military requirement. Never once have i or the hundreds of others had any issue with them. My children jave followed the schedule to the letter, and living in a very populated area, we have never seen one adverse response to one.

I am not uninformed on this matter, rather extremely informed. Best of luck to you too.

I have two unvaccinated children. They are NEVER sick. The vaccinated children they mix with are regularly sick. What does this tell you?

Congrats on being healthy. This does not tell us anything about vaccines. Perhaps you and the family have a genetic strength with reguards to your immune system. Maybe those other kids don't. Hard to say. But your children are not protected against poilo, diphtheria, hebitisis, measles, mumps, rubella, yellow fever, tetanus(do your kids ever get cuts), or TB. You are taking a risk with all these and more. How many of those other kids had an adverse reaction to the vaccine?

Hello John. Thanks for the congrats on my little family's perfect health.

In fact, my partner's family are all overweight and unhealthy. And her mother has been told she has a year left to live due to stomach cancer. On my side of the family it's not much different. My mother has been healthy since going vegan three years ago, but the rest are not. The Pharma industry makes a load of money out of our relatives, including even the children who all need to take handfuls of pills every day. That would be the same Pharma industry which sells us the vaccines.

My children are the only children in our combined families who are unvaccinated. And the only two who are consistently not sick with no requirement for Pharma drugs. So for sure it has nothing to do with genetics.

I consider the lives of my children to be very important so have dedicated endless hours to researching this subject.

And please understand that I am not debating the effectiveness of vaccines against the diseases they claim to prevent (though in some cases even this is unclear) - I am saying that there are dangerous side-effects to being given these drug cocktails at such a young age when the body is still developing.

Don't trust main-stream media when doing your research. The Pharma industry and media industry are very much connected. You will need to dig much deeper to find the truth. And it ain't pretty.

And a tough pill to swallow, one might say :)

I just want to add that I know @samstonehill's two children and they are extremely health, happy, intelligent and beautiful kids - a real pleasure to be around!

I know this does not relate to vaccination but I couldn't help adding that here!

Cheers! =)

Thank you for your personal contribution to the discussion @samstonehill! =)

Thank you for contributing to the discussion! =)

I like that phrase .... it's applicable to more things than vaccines! Lets keep the children Cool!
