Urgent Medical help needed but got turned away in the mid's of night.

in #health8 years ago

An Event that happened to us on the 27th of February 2015

A story about our experience of 27th of January 2015 when I urgently had to go to a University clinic in Belgium. For medical aid reasons, I needed to be transported by ambulance.

I was admitted before this event from the 8th January to the 19th of January for the treatment off: Multiple Sclerosis symptoms. After a scan and a lumber punch confirmed I had autoimmune disease of the central nervous system (CNS), characterized by inflammation, axonal damage and demyelination (spinal nerve damage) and now ALSO having to find out I have FIBROMYALGIA. Muscle and Nerve disease.
Affecting my entire body’s joints, they are roasted and inflamed, from head to toe, making it difficult to do any movement ,walk, climb stairs, carry anything from as little as a “cup of coffee”, chronic fatigue syndrome- chronic widespread pain- prolonged muscle spasms- weakness in the limbs, nerve pain, muscle twitching,

I was treated for severe pains and had a Ketamine infusion for the pain in the clinic. Since my release from the clinic I started to feel worse after than before I went in, in the first place.

I lost my balance, I fall all over the place, I fall in showers, or fall down the stairs, I lost my strength in my legs and can’t stand on my two legs at times because I can’t hold my own body weight anymore, my speech has changed to a slow speaking drunk person. I now have double vision and so much more to mention…So this is also “the” image I present when I’m outside and this is what people see.
Just another drunk.
Tuesday the 27th of January at 12: 30 pm we were referred from our GP to immediately go to EMERGENCY with Ambulance to the University Hospital for treatment as things went downhill, extremely fast, and when we got there we ran with our faces flat against the wall.
We were extremely disillusioned and disappointed in their service and how we were treated. I came right out of the Clinic after 11 days and also after being told I was diagnosed with FIBROMYALGIA-MUSCLE and NERVE disease, on top of the rest of my physical illness that I have been fighting for, for the last 6 years. “I have had a Ketamine infusion for pain and need to go for two more”, the next was scheduled for 5th of February, but because I am getting worse by the minute, not being able to drive a car anymore, can’t climb any stairs anymore, and “lucky me” our room and bathroom is upstairs, I now have to sleep in a hospital bed in my living room, because I can’t lift a leg to get up the steps , (can’t even sleep next to my wife anymore either) due to my balance and falling issues, and need to be bed rested as much as possible.
My Doctor who came to our house just about every second day saw in what state I was and decided this can’t go on like this.
I need to get to a hospital NOW! Not tomorrow....Now!
My Treating neurologist, I'm extremely content with, and has done a lot for us but the hospitals are so busy that no beds are available, so needed to go in via Emergency, and an emergency it was...
When the Ambulance arrived I never realized what a sight it would be as I live just in front of a specialty bakery. My wife drove with in the ambulance. And as we arrived at EMERGENCY we stood there with all our bags, with all our clothes, because I thought..... This time I won’t come out of hospital anytime soon...... unfortunately for us, The Ambulance driver drove off with our referral letter to get me inside……

We have never been so disappointed in our lives and were literally so shocked by their service that I “flew” out and rather “shouted” that we were spilling our time here!!!!
Some doctor's just keep on being assholes. The doctors couldn’t understand me as I just had a bad episode again as the medication I take makes my symptoms go up and down as it’s taken , starts working, and when it wears off, then you need to take medication again, feel like a zombie for two hours(until pills kick in)and so it goes up and down.
What did they not understand about the fact that I came in to “EMERGENCY” HOSPITAL
Because I am under treatment for Fibromyalgia and MS, and had no balance and had vertigo issues and fell all over the place like a drunk, I now also had a slurred speech because of medication, and due to the Ketamine treatment I had some hallucination issues that worried me and THEM but the only thing they thought I came to do there was that they thought I was an drug addict, or stupidly drunk, who came for drugs or something, or that I had to go the Psychiatry (REHABILITATION???) No thank you.
The Hallucination became an issue for them, slurred speech, can't walk on a straight line etc., what did they expect?
They asked me repeatedly: "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR HERE ?
Uhhh??? You tell me?
They then had blood drawn and left me with an infusion tube hanging from my arm as if they needed to give me a shot of something…

There came the "NEUROLOGIST" who asked me to do some silly Circus tricks
Close your eyes, cross finger on the nose, then first left hand then right hand. Stick out your tongue. Stick out your tongue to the left, then to the right, walk on a straight line? Laugh with a wide open mouth so I can see your teeth?
"Am I here on a" CIRCUS "audition or what????????
The Neurologist asks?
And those Stupid questions:
"HOW BAD IS YOUR PAIN on a SCALE from" 0 to 10?
ENOUGH to LOSE ALL HOPE, COURAGE AND INTEREST IN LIFE, SINCE I'M ALREADY on my 6th year LOOKING for "a" PAIN FREE DAY where I DON'T HAVE to SWALLOW a "PILL", and where I can feel like a HEALTHY and NORMAL PERSON AGAIN, BECAUSE "NO ONE" CAN FIND THE SOURCE OR CAUSE OR WHERE THE PROBLEM COMES FROM, or the lack of knowledge or interest to do further searches and diagnoses.
Psychiatric Ward Awaited us…
We were sent to psychiatry AND taken under ESCORT and I wasn’t even allowed to smoke a cigarette first.... ”I AM HERE FOR HELP, FOR GOD’S SAKE PEOPLE”. Sandra my wife and I started to get really strange feelings about this entire thing, dragging our baggage along with us. “What happened with the EMERGENCY HOSPITAL?
I’m suffering like hell here and not getting any HELP.
They thought we were a “homeless couple”, that we have no house and have nothing. They totally didn’t understand anything or why we came to the University Hospital for
I had to get out the room and go for a smoke and blow off some serious steam!!
Went back to my wife that waited at psychiatric ward. We sat there in a very small room guarded by 6 fully armed police officers.
-------- (a sense of "I'm in the movies ~ Interrogation room or Torture room.)---------
And indeed it was, INTEREGATION.

Two Doctors, came in. The one that the asked the questions and the other FULLY SPEACHLESS behind his laptop. Probably sat there making notes, or to record us and maybe even video recorded us with a webcam for sure, who knows, this was not clarified why he was there and what he was doing with his laptop? We would surely think that if he was recording us he would need our permission??
Not a Peep came from his mouth

Best I kept my history files and I keep track of every report + photos of everything and had showed that to the doctor that interrogated us. All of a sudden the one guy says there is a weird sound coming out of your bag.... We listened but still in shock of everything that is going on. Holy Crap! I came to the clinic for urgent help because I started to hallucinate badly because of this Ketamine infusion I had when I was in the hospital for 11days. Really he said!!, OPEN THAT BAG NOW!!, there is a sound coming from it……. They certainly thought a bomb or so.......... Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr - THERE goes my toothbrush!!!!!!!!
I certainly needed 10 kilos of weed just to relax me now (not that I use it, mind you). Our nerves were shot by now. But after a fat file of 5 cm thick of reports and studies, medication Bills, records of being admitted so many times, treatment of everything thing, surgery records, diagnoses, operation here, operation there................... and finally The interrogator says :

“we believe you”.

You can go home now, because we won’t help you anyway !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There are no beds… …..(He Laughs)
Are you fucking serious?????
But luckily it went quick, just had to show her my 5cm thick file all over again


Without transport, late in the evening we still had to try arranging transportation to get to the train station, and then another train, and then walking all the way from the train station with all the luggage back home in the mids of the night. In my Healthy condition and in excruciating pain I can’t even walk 200 meters, due to my balance issue and falling around like a drunk in the street, I now had to walk 1km. Might not sound too far but if you can’t walk it, you just can’t…
Best I didn’t bring our daughter. I will promise you the tears from her would fly
Afraid to go to sleep, just to wake up to another nightmare of pain......