Drugs and the Brain

in #health7 years ago

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A drug is any substance that is introduced in the body. It's primary purpose is for the body to elicit a response. To most of us, the term 'drug' means something illegal or prohibited. However, in broad context, drugs refer to the medicines or pills prescribed by doctors, as well as narcotic drugs.

A lot of drugs, when taken, become habit forming. People who are taking more than what is required or have developed tolerance to the drugs are already addicted to the drugs.

Drugs can be classified based on their effects to the nervous system.


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These are drugs that keep the brain alert and awake. Caffeine found in tea, coffee, chocolate, and soda is a stimulant when taken in low doses. Cocaine is another stimulant whose effects include a rise in the heart rate and blood pressure. However, heavy doses and excessive use is fatal as it could induce seizures, stroke, and heart and respiratory problems.


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Some people respond differently to these drugs. Some can feel emotional relief, while others go into drowsiness, coma, or even death. Alcohol is one of the common depressants.


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Analgesics are pain relievers. If we have headaches or experience any pain in the body, we take medicines or pills that would slow down and eventually stop the pain. This is the function of analgesics.

The brain produces natural analgesics or pain relievers. Two of these are the endorphin and enkephalin. Synthetic pain relievers like codeine and heroine are addictive and could lead to adverse effects on the body.


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These drugs interfere with the action of acetylcholine, dopamine, and serotonin. Dopamine and serotonin are naturally produced in the brain. These induce sleep and affect mood, attention, and learning. Imbalance of these substance can cause mental disorder. Parkinson's disease, which affects the elderly, is due to lack of dopamine. (Parkinson's disease is a progressive disease in the nervous system which is characterized by tremor and weakness of the muscles.). Excess of dopamine could lead to schizophrenia. It is a neurological disorder which is characterized by the loss of contact with the environment.

LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamine) and marijuana (Cannabis Sativa) are the most common hallucinogens that interfere with serotonin and dopamine balance. In small doses, people taking marijuana will experience depression. They also become disoriented and worse, they think they can fly and jump from tall buildings totally unharmed.

So now we know the kinds of drugs and there effects. It is better to stay away from it. Say no to drugs. Say yes to healthy lifestyles.

I hope you learned something from my post.
