Best Acne Treatments That Work

in #health8 years ago

What is Acne? 

In medical terms it is known as Acne Vulgaris, a very common disease that affects oil glands on the face, chest and back due to accumulation of oil below the skin surface when follicles are blocked. 

Bacteria found in the accumulation cause a swelling. 

Acne is not dangerous but can vary from mild (involving few pimples or spots) to severe circumstances, and causes depression and anxiety or lower self-esteem. It can affect anyone of any age, but it mostly affects adolescents.

Most common causes

Nobody really knows to root cause of acne, but medical specialists believe that it mainly results from rise in androgen hormone levels, this happens in males and females alike when they enter puberty, consequently sebaceous (oil) glands are formed. Studies indicate that acne is hereditary and therefore genetics play a role in transmission of acne from parents to offspring, children may inherit some skin characteristics from them.

In women, pregnancy, change in menstrual cycles and menopause are characterized by hormone fluctuation this leads to acne and other side effects such as weight gain. Use drugs such as steroids have been found to cause acne as they may also include hormones. Cosmetics are known to cause clogging of the pore. Exposure to other forms of pollution may also increase chances of developing acne.

Treatments and remedies: what is the best?

Over the counter methods, for example Benzoyl Peroxide, not only does it increase skin turn over but it also kills the bacterias that cause accumulation to slow down the bump. It is usually applied on skin surface, however it has side effects such as itching and dry skin. 

Oral contraceptives for women help reduce androgen levels consequently reducing sebum secretions, however it is not recommended for those in their late 30’s. More best treatments you can find in our category in the top menu.

Antibiotics similar to Benzoyl Peroxide it is intended to kill bacteria, they include erythromycin, Azelaic acid, it is important to note the bacteria tend to develop resistance over time. Change in life style like cutting down on sugars and maintaining proper hygiene by keeping skin clean are also adopted as remedies for acne. This can really work!


Thanks for the advice :)