Short Term Memory Loss

in #health8 years ago

Most people forget things from time to time, and the rate of forgetfulness increases in larger proportions by age, which may be frightening or alarming to some, but forgetfulness, which does not require concern is simple deviation that does not cause problems, affects our independence or hinder the exercise of our daily routines.

Short term memory loss is not a disease, it's normal for human beings to forget. How many of us walk to the kitchen and once we get there we forget what we wanted? How many of us remember what they ate the day before?

Forgetfulness is a blessing.

Our short term memory is like RAM on a computer and our long term memory is like our hard drives. When a human being suffers a loss of a loved one, our short term memory of the event causes us feelings we can not tolerate for a long time. Our brains intervene to help us store this in our long term memory and not cause interruption/damage to our daily routine for a long period of time, but people unable to go through this process can suffer from problems like depression or worse.

So forgetfulness is a side effect of our normal brain functions. it's not an early indication of Alzheimer's or any other disease. Although many would tell you that there are ways to improve your short term memory like taking vitamins or doing some memory exercises, It's true, good blood circulation and healthy diet helps prevent damage to our brain cells that can result in memory loss, but once some damage has been done or some time has passed your memory will deteriorate regardless of what you do.

Some people are born with better genes, they can remember names and faces, others do not. Some of us have become dependant on recent technological advances, like storing names and numbers on a cell phone, a few years back all of us had to remember phone numbers so we can dial them. Do a quick test on yourself , and you will discover you no longer remember important phone numbers like you used to.

Short Term Memory Causes:

Although it's normal for our short term memory to deteriorate, some underlying causes can speed or amplify the process. These are behavioural causes that we can and should avoid;

  • Lack of Sleep
  • Alcohol or Substance Abuse
  • Certain Medicines
  • Work Exhaustion
  • Lack of nutrients
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Shot Term Memory Loss is a definition of me. I often forget things which are not so important but bad enough to irritate my parents and siblings. Sometimes I wonder what goes around in my mind that I forget things so quickly. Nice post and thanks for sharing....

It can be funny at times when our Shot Term Memory Play on Us, can you thinks of how funny it is when you siblings comes to you and ask, please can you spell me "COME" and you sound like hummmmmmm

Great post...very informative I totally agree with you and it often happens with me I usually forget...

Nice article . It is with almost many people they forget some things remember new things. Short term memory loss can be due to many reasons as any accident. emotional shock or overloaded work. I think different people react with these things differently

Great is equally imperative for humans to learn to manage stress (stress management) since memory loss and/or reduced memory functionality occurs when the body goes through heightened stress.Identify your core stressors and learn positive ways of managing them.

I agree with you @mcjude8 Stress is one on those factor that causes memory loss because most power of our brain are used during the time to manage the stress.

Thanks, the explanations will come in handy to explain to my wife the why the day her hypocondriasis will kick in on this subject...

For her I'll have to remind her that the valium tends to mess with short term memory too.

Still an useful post, thanks!

To improve memory and concentration power, it is important to have a healthy diet rich in protein and omega-3 fatty acids. We can consume fish, nuts and almonds, broccoli, beans, etc.

So true. I saw this article, really well done, which gives a fantastic explanation of Omega-3, Omega-6, and Omega-9 and which foods are good to eat and what quantities, etc.

Fish is my favorite! Next to chocolate ice cream =D

thanks for sharing diet tips I will work on My Nigeria Jollof to include your tips

You are right,I used to remember so many phone numbers,yesterday I could hardly tell my own hahhaha however I never have a hard time to remember why I went to the kitchen - ice cream, always ice cream😁😂 Very informative post,thank you!

Work exhaustion <- I am experiencing it and it really matter on the short term memory...

it is really sad to have it, i just have it when i have too much things in mind.

Some time a short walk down memory lane is all it takes to appreciate where u r today. Great post.Uovoted followed u.

Very informative post, I strongly believe that we are using and mixing everything: first we drink something to wake up, later we want to have lots of energy and later we want to sleep 😴 our brain is getting sick and confused 🤷🏻‍♀️ we should eat not over eat. Work but not work as hell and enjoy life, breathing... we forget that very often 🥇🌸👍🏼 Very interesting post @joseph

Excellent article @joseph, our memory is actually a fragile thing and its loss can lead to a lot of problems!

Cognitive overload makes you forget. Our brains are overloaded with so much information directed at us from every possible angle. The fact most of the current age info is delivered in bits and pieces and changes frequently is also challenging. I heard someone lament why we would no longer have genius individuals like Einstein with ground breaking theories and discoveries because of our inability to contemplate on the information we receive as our brains are busy craving for more right after getting some info.

Wow! Nice post, thanks for sharing. I sometimes forget things too.

So my improved memory function is the reason for my depression. It seems possible.

My short term memory loss is a biggie. I forget the not so important stuff but my girlfriend hates it. She is always like: How the fuck can you not remember this? It's sooooo important!
And she is talking about some shit her friend sayed. :D

Memory is one of my favorite topics! Please don't give up hope people. I have been studying simple techniques to improve memory for the past couple of years with tremendous success. I hope to post a few of my notes on this topic soon and I hope you will follow me back and check it out.

...aaaannnnddnd top shelf budz.

Great post really like it and upvoted!!

Thank for sharing great post

dear @joseph, you shared one another informative and valuable topic, "short term memory loss" related to health. and you expressed it very nicely as well as its symptoms and causes. thanx for that i always waiting for your next post, fully supported to you by following, resteeming and commenting.vpvoted.

Very informative post. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

very nice article

nice work wow upvoted and resteem cuz its nice

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I tend to forget things I say to people. Specifically, they're things that I just blabber randomly and they're all minor details.

I thought I had a problem because others have to keep reminding me about it.

great post

it's about me , haha , I have got Forgetfulness , lol

but i really agree with you

Forgetfulness is a blessing

thank you from your advices and suggestions at the end of post and...

upvoted rear

keep it on

hi I am a new and I love your article

thank for your great information and post. please upvote and follow me i really need help growing on steemit.

Great post .you are genious

Great article. every thoughtful, if you'll excuse the pun.

Our fate as human beings depends on each of us as you say, we lose our loved ones but we pasrahkan everything to the omnipotent and we do not lack of memory in our lives, but if we think what has happened we are not enough memory / ram that exists in our body as human beings.

very helpful post..i resteemit it..thank you

you are right

Thanks for all your arduous work, here's a bunch of token of appreciation!

thanks for sharing

I believe the best way to stimulate the brain is by using it more. Example soduko or chess. Anything that requires thinking will work.

nice post

I agree with you and pivoted you and hope you will also follow me

When our brain is filled up with thoughts or concerns, it is leads to forgetting things... and if this keeps repeating, it leads to memory loss. We need to learn what to drop and what to carry forward... uninstall those thoughts bugging you now.

I have three causes of out of five, i.e. lack of sleep, work exhaustion and lack of nutrients. Thank you for providing awareness. It is a great article.

yes I agree

hmmm, interesting....Follow you

Maintaining a well-balanced lifestyle is important to prevent any short-term memory losses.

Thanks for sharing!

I lack of sleep sometimes and I tend to have short memory loss. It's steemit's fault haha

Oh, now I can Rest In Peace, I often forget things, that have happened recently... i need to try to use vitamins, it might improve my memory, thank you for this helpful information :)

Loads of information. Thanks. Followed.@joseph Thanks for sharing. Love it. Followed

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