Have you ever wondered why we need sleep??
The number of hours of sleep that are considered necessary varies according to age primarily, since a newborn or infant can sleep up to 17 hours a day, and this is understandable, since they need that time for all the energy of the body is devoted to the formation of muscle, bones, nervous system, and the rest of the systems. That's why at that age practically all they do is sleep, eat and evacuate.
If you are curious and want to know why we need to sleep, read on.
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Perhaps the next question arises:
If children need so many hours of sleep in order to grow, what adult needs sleep for?
The reason we need to sleep has been the subject of scientific study for a long time, for most people the main reason we sleep is because we need to rest, it is partly true, but there seems to be an answer beyond that.
For now this is one of the most valid hypotheses, I wanted to share it with those who read me. Well, it is something that every human being needs to do, and they do it out of inertia, most of them probably without asking themselves why.
Enjoy the vote and some free shit!
Thank you for your original support,Hello @sirvotesalot these if that is a very particular way of valuing a publication jajaja
Interesante, amigo. Ahora comprendo mejor eso de que el sueño es imprescindible para reparar el cuerpo. Gracias por le información.
Buen día, @josevas217
Hola amiga Graciela, si, totalmente reparador. Sin dormir, es fácil entrar en cáos.
Buen día.