Home Health: Smell No Evil (Poisonous Gases)

in #health8 years ago

Hey All,

Today I would like to touch on some more of the toxins that are over-looked and honestly kept secret in our society today. Simply because it's in so many products, it's invisible and in some cases it doesn't even have an odor. These are Volatile Organic Compounds. A group of carbon-based chemicals that evaporate or dissolve easily at room temperature and can come from a variety of sources in your home.

Smell no Evil
Smell no Evil credit Pixabay

Deadly Carpeting

VOC's are literally everywhere, just in your carpeting there can be toxic levels of formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, benzene, toluene and perchoroethylene.

New carpet smell is from a chemical compound called 4-PC (4-Phenyl Cyclohexane). It can linger in a home for up to 72 hours cause your eye, nose and throat to become irritated, headaches, nausea and inducing asthma attacks.

All of these chemicals are minor irritants in small amounts, but VOC's can get up to FIVE times higher inside than the air outside. In concentrated amounts this goes well beyond itchy eyes and a dry cough. Some people have reported getting headaches and dizziness from carpeting. In extreme cases you can develop vision problems, memory issues, damage to the liver, kidneys and central nervous system.

The elderly and young children are more susceptible and have a tendency to develop chronic illnesses like asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).

Toxic Beds

Most mattress and bedding are treated with flame retardants or Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDE's). This is due to fears of cigarette ashes falling on the mattress. California alone may be one of biggest contributes because of a strict state regulations requiring all mattresses to be fire-resistant.


Toxic credit Pixabay

PBDE's are bioacumulative toxin, meaning it absorbs into the body faster than it can be excreted or metabolized, mostly in fatty tissue. Once PBDE's get into the water ways they can't be removed by normal sewage treatment. They will travel great distances effecting the entire food chain along the way. They are known to cause thyroid hormone disruption and a number of other chronic health issues.

Protect Yourself

Decontamination Engineering Control

  1. Avoid products that produce VOC's. Before you purchase any product review it online first. There are many sites that provide free database of products, personally I prefer to use the Environmental Working Group. They're an non-profit environmental organization based in Washington D.C. dedicated to protecting public health and the environment.
  2. Keep any sources of VOC's outside or ventilate them prior to bringing them inside. Carpeting and mattresses can be left in the garage for a day allowing them to expel any toxins. If keeping it outside isn't an option use a fan to move inside air to the outside.
  3. Climate control is key. Most VOC's are activated by high temperatures and moisture. Set the temperature at a lower and limit the humidity build up inside.
  4. Buy used! I'll admit that taking a visit to my local thrift store is a treat for me. This also has a benefit of lower VOC's because they diminish over time.

There you have it. Thank you for reading. It is my pleasure to share and help educate.

Please leave your comments and share any additional information you may have on this subject.

... And of course Stay Safe!

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Hi I'm Josh Fischbach I live in the Yosemite area and work in the Environmental Industry. I'm interested in health, better living and Sci-Fi. (TNG RULES!).

