True Story: I quit smoking thanks to drugs
I smoked cigarettes for about 5 years and 5 years ago I quite successfully (haven't had a single cigarette!) I also haven't been boring, in fact I've had a marvelously hedonistic half decade, traveling latin america and Europe doing plenty of socializing with smokers. The secret to my discipline is drugs, more specifically Nootropics or smart drugs (If you're into biohacking see the infographic below).
- If you don’t have discipline, you are going to continually fail to accomplish your goals, you are going to feel like you are bashing your head against wall, you are always going to be starting things but rarely finishing things.
- Lack of discipline is really difficult problem to self diagnose, unless you have really honest friends, that really care about you they aren’t going to call you out for your lack of discipline.
- If you don’t have discipline then you don’t realize the value of it, you’ll talk about working smart instead of working hard, you’ll constantly be chasing new tactics and opportunities.
- Finally discipline is self perpetuating, once you have some it’s easy to get more, but it’s really hard to acquire in the first place.
The good news is that smart drugs are literally and figuratively gateway drugs to discipline...