The eggs you buy at the store, differences in cage-free, free range and pastured

in #health7 years ago

There is so much confusion in the "Healthy Egg Market" let me explain the differences of certain sale points the big corporations don't expect you to investigate!!!

  1. Cage free.... it in itself is a false statement!! Have you ever seen those long chicken houses that look like airplane hangars? Well you can rest assured that if that's where your eggs come from that the chickens that laid that egg lives in that building but isn't In a cage! It's still not outside!!

  2. Free range- OK the wording of "free range" makes you feel as though the chickens can roam anywhere, right? Well again that is another technical term that honestly means, the chickens live in a house and have free range in a limited amount of land that doesn't get time to recover so the chickens only get an area that they beat it up so it never recovers the whole time the chickens live there!! 'Meaning less nutrition but limited grazing'

  3. PASTURED.... and listen real carefully to this... "PASTURED EGGS" are the highest quality eggs you can get because, although chickens live in a house only while sleeping they also get moved to new grass because their house is mobile!! Which means they never beat the land up so much that they can't find bugs, grass or worms!! So basically they live like most people expect an animal to live which makes the eggs a product of its environment which is the healthiest thing for animal that produces food for us!! HAPPY CHICKEN HEALTHY EGGS!!

I hope I cleared up any misconceptions... I'm a pastured chicken farmer and local pastured is the healthiest so start looking for the good eggs and you can honestly taste the difference... thanks for reading!!


I wasn't aware there were any healthy eggs or animal products. We should free the animals and stop enslaving them and killing them for products that make us unhealthy. That is my opinion.

You realize that if chickens were set free and not givin a protected life they will go extinct! Everything eats chicken 'and they can't see at night' so let's discuss....coyotes, hawks, owls, raccoons, people and even chickens eat each other!! So what are you saying exactly? I'm all ears

I think there's probably wild chickens out there, lemme do a google search and see. BUT.. Even if that were the truth, then the next best moral step would be to keep them in animal preserves or like pets the way people care for dogs and cats.

Yup. Feral chickens are doing just fine and will not go extinct, they have been proven to survive being in the nature without our help.

I understand on an island feral chickens can survive but consider this... in the real world hundreds of millions of chickens would die if we let them all be free and Africa relies on livestock to survive so let's starve them as well?? If you feel as though meat is bad then grow your own garden and live strictly on what you grow🤔 I treat the animals that take care of me like they deserve... I know they produce food when seasons don't allow growth of plants!! So I'll stick to keeping my options open and growing my own food instead of buying food that I'm not sure of where it came from🤔 But hell if we all grew our own food this wouldn't even be a discussion😉 I was only talking about eggs not killing chickens... when a chicken provides 300 eggs a year and they can only sit on 12-15 for 21 days to hatch them you can bet all wildlife around them eats those extra eggs

As I said,if you don't want them to go extinct you can put them on animal reserves or sanctuaries or care for them like dogs and cats on a more individual level, however.. You're saying they'll all die, which is not true. People will care for some, yet your alternative is to perpetually enslave and murder them? That doesn't sound like a great solution to me!

Look. You argue that Africa lives off of livestock, but.. it takes way more land, water and resources to raise livestock, when you could just grow the plants yourself and eat them instead of fattening up animals with them first.

Even people in ancient times knew this, that animals take more land, resources, water, time, etc than just raising plants. So that's not a good argument either in my opinion.

Just cause winter comes along doesn't mean you can't sustain on plants, you can preserve them, and nuts and seeds last ridiculously long even without the preservation methods.

Look.. People since ancient times have lived without enslaving animals, it's not impossible, it's actually more healthy for you, you'll get more food, and less disease, and the animals get to live, plus the planet will be better off cause animal agriculture is destroying the planet.. Ultimately.. You keep doing it because you choose to, and because you believe there are good reasons for it.. When, people have shown for thousands of years we don't need to kill and enslave animals, and we're usually healthier if we don't. Biologically and spiritually.