Take a long bath | Relax

in #health7 years ago

According to scientists, long baths not only help you relax after a long day, but they are also good for your health.

A person who takes a one hour bath in water with a temperature of 40 Celsius degrees can burn up to 130 calories, almost as much as you would burn in a 30 minutes walk.


For this study, there were 14 participants who had to run for one hour on a bike, and after that they stood in hot water for another hour.

Scientists have discovered that riding the bike, but also the hot bath had helped burning calories.

The 40 degrees water led to the increase of body temperature, which helped burning 130 calories.

The study was actually made to find out what effects water has on the sugar in our blood, so it was discovered that riding the bike and taking the bath had the same effects on us.

Scientists have gotten to the conclusion that “passive temperature rising” helps reducing inflammation, and in Finland this is used as a medical treatment.

According to a study made in 2015 in Finland, someone who often goes to the sauna has a lower risk rate of having a heart attack.

It was also shown that regulated hot baths help lowering the level of blood pressure.

There are a lot of other benefits in a warm bath. For example, they help in eliminating toxins.

If you set the temperature in such a way that it will make you sweat, but it won’t burn your skin, it will lead to making your immune system much stronger, so you’ll have a better health state in general.

It will also help preventing colds or flu in the cold season, because a high temperature of water will kill most of the viruses and bacteria you get in contact with every day.

Thanks for reading!


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Hi jwolf,

Interesting study. I have not taken a bath for 20 years. My toxins in my body must be horrible?

I do not take shower too long only 1 min using a bucket to catch the water to reuse.

I only take a shower every 4 to 1 week. I get itchy if take shower more often than that....weird?

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3 Keys to a Healthy Social (Media) Life

    Any technology that is tied so fundamentally to the way people communicate is bound to attract criticism and concern, much of which is valid. But if we’ve learned anything from human history, it must be the fact that nearly every tool available to us can be used for good or for evil.

Suspicion of new modes of communication goes back at least as far as the fourth or fifth century BCE. In his dialogue between Socrates and his friend Phaedrus, Plato has Socrates recounting an Egyptian fable to highlight the dangers of—wait for it—writing.

    It’s a natural human tendency to check out the grass on the other side of the fence to see whether it’s greener (or browner) than our own. And in the age of social media, we can see over quite a few more fences than we ever could before. This may or may not be a problem, depending on how we process our observations. If we’re a bit short in the self-esteem department, we might tend to focus on how much better everyone else on social media seems to be doing and then sink deeper into self-loathing. These are the mechanisms that prompt headlines linking social media use with anxiety, depression and low self-esteem.

    Just as much as in person, most people want to put their best foot forward on social media, and this is where emotional intelligence comes in. But what is “emotional intelligence”? Essentially, it’s that sweet spot where self-awareness and awareness of others combine with mindful compassion and self-control. The timeless principles that fall under the heading of emotional intelligence include such gems as “Love your neighbor as yourself” and “A soft answer turns away wrath.”

Regardless of the temperature, the benefits of taking a bath have been scientifically proven and can ensure optimal health of the mind and body.

-> Bathing can improve heart health

-> Taking a bath may help you to breathe easier

-> Your brain and nervous system can benefit from bathing

-> Bathing can benefit your muscles, joints and bones

-> Improve your gastrointestinal health through bathing

-> Bathing can progress the natural birthing process and improve health of the urinary system

-> Take care of your blood and immunity with a bath

-> Balance your hormones by bathing

-> Bathing cleanses and moisturizes your skin, hair and eyes

-> Your core body temperature will be optimal through bathing

thanks for sharing...
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Wow. This is great and it really makes me happy to hear that since I love, love hot baths.
Thanks for sharing @jwolf

@jwolf, thanks for sharing this knowledge

That's very interesting! I'm not a big fan of taking baths, since I would rather take a shower and save the rest of the time for other things! I had no idea that it's good for your health, I thought the only good thing about it would be that you're able to relax for a while, especially good after a long day at work. But this post definitely made it more appealing to me :)

time to enjoy the crypto market with that ;p