Oh! I just remember something!
You should try not to contact chemicals such as dog shampoo etc! Wear gloves when using chemical liquid!
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Oh! I just remember something!
You should try not to contact chemicals such as dog shampoo etc! Wear gloves when using chemical liquid!
Yea I know, any kind of soap seems just to aggravate the itchiness. We are out of gloves, I think I should re-stock on those.
I'm taking the kids to a fun-fair today. Hopefully it'll take my mind off my hands.
Oh! No! Running out of gloves!
If I were near you, I’ll give you some Thai herbal soap made from kumin which is well known for healing rashes and skin conditions!
Could you find Tea Tree oil product of the Body Shop from London?! Their body wash is excellent for rashes and boils! Give it a try! I have been using this for more than ten years for healing rashes and itchy bites by insects!