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RE: I think I had a mini-stroke yesterday

in #health5 years ago

Yap! I had something similar twice several years ago!

The thing is to get the blood vessels very flexible and not too hardened by all the ‘old fat residuals or accumulated particles which are stuck to vessels).

A few years ago, a perfectly healthy man was running in the health club. He suddenly died on the spot. Later, the doctor found out that the hardened bit(big shunk) fell off his blood vessel and got stuck or blocked the vessel, so his heart didn’t get blood supply! He was very healthy and fit; a similar case also took place on the golf course!

So, take lots of herbal stuff to get rid of these hardened bits slowly!

I think you’ll be fine. It’s just a friendly warning signal! Better to know about what could be coming and be on the defensive measures.


Thank you again, I appreciate your advice!

You’re welcome!

Take care.