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look awesome and beautifull in enjoy mood @karensuestudios

thank you :)

I've been following you guys for a little while now, mainly cause you look to be having so much fun :) keep it up!

awww that's awesome! :) Just followed you back so I can see what you are up too as well. I see you love riding your bike to the beach... that's pretty fun too!

Thank you! Yes i use my bike most days for work and play :)

Currently, i'm mostly doing music and stocks/shares blogs, but i do occasionally write a 'proper' blog which will include stuff that's going on in my life - maybe those would be of more interest. Anyway, have fun and thanks for the follow!

Those are all interesting things to write about! Love learning. :)

looks like a lot of fun!

Thank you! Hope you try it out.

Hi Karen! Awesome videos your incredible ❀️

aw thank you! :) Glad you enjoyed it.

Love this!!!

Thank you!

Resteemed. Want to try this eventually.

You should. It's fun.

awww thanks :) Let me know how you're first flight goes! :)

That last image had me giggling. Love it.

aww thanks! Glad you got a good laugh!

Nice. I've done a few acroyoga classes. It's good fun that's for sure. I'd like to go to a proper workshop (like for a week or so) one of these days.

Ooo keep on practicing! You'll get so good at it fast! :)

Acroyoga tutorials of the best because I love acroyoga!

I have never tried acroyoga so far but I am very keen to try it. Need to convince some friends or find a studio here which offers it.

Ooo you should totally try! It's so much fun :)

Wow fantastic!
Yoga is so awesome for the world. Hope more and more people are inspired by it!

Blessings and SteemON! Have you seen @saramiller ? I am telling her about you now. She has posted A LOT about yoga here and had a lot of success. You should connect with her!

aww thanks for the connection, I have not seen her, but I'll totally check her out!

Yes yoga is life! :)

Hahhaah yoga IS life and I have been saying that for over a decade!

hehe. Have you had a chance to try acroyoga? It's amazing too :)

Yea been doing it for over a decade! I was doing it before it was 'cool" hehehe

wut wut! You are cool! I just found out about it last year... now it is life. Although, I recently broke my collarbone ( not due to acroyoga)... so I'm out for a while :( Sad sad. But I plan on getting back in it as soon as I am strong enough.

Life a healthy life and you will be back in business in no time!
Have you learned about the powerful healing influence of comfrey?
@gardenofeden has posted a few posts on the healing powers of it, its the BEST healing medicine on earth for broken/fractured bones...

havent got round to viewing the videos yet....but cool pics/post!

LOL... I do have to warn you... it is very very cheezy. haha don't judge!

Watched it.... Great stuff!πŸ˜ƒ Now I know more than I did before:)

hahah oh no... where they cheezy? Are you going to try it? :)

Hahahah...would be nice...but maybe I'd better start off with more simple things like trying to improve my sore back as a result on spending too much time spent staring at this iPad;)

Hi there, Karen!! This is great, thanks for sharing your yoga love! I'll follow fo sho πŸ’›

Thanks so much for sharing. I love hearing new people explain these concepts because it also helps me explain things better to the people around me.

I have been practicing acro for a year now, met so many amazing people through it, have been lucky to find one of the best teachers in Bulgaria. I even met my girlfriend through acro and we are practicing as much as possible.

Sharing yoga flows through videos is something I am planning to do :)

How amazing! WOW Bulgaria is so far from where I live. I live in California. I actually met my boyfriend doing acro as well! I'm pretty lucky as he has been an amazing teacher.

Would love to see your acro flows as well :)

Amazing! So happy for you :)

Acroyoga is very popular in the California yoga community, isn't it?

Thank you! It is a really popular activity! The community is small but it is growing.