Xeropthalmia : Systemic ocular disease

in #health7 years ago (edited)

hello steemians      

today i am going to  discuss about the xeropthalmia   which covers  the ocular menifestation  of  Vit. A deficiancy.


.Due to dietary deficiancy

.Due to defective absorption from the gut.

Vit A deficiancy is not a isolated problem but is almost associated with protein energy malnutrition[PEM].

WHO classsification

XN  : Nightblindness

X1A : Conjuctival xerosis

X1B : Bitots spot

X2    : Corneal xerosis

X3A :  Corneal  ulceration/ Keretomalacia affecting less than one third  cornral surface

XS    : Corneal scar due to xeropthalmia

XF    : Xeropthalmic fundus


.  NIGHT BLINDNESS : earliest symptom of xeropthalmia in children 

.  CONJUCTIVAL XEROSIS : one or more patches of  dry , lusterless , nonwettable  conuctiva   in the form of emerging  like sand banks in the receding tides . typical xerosis is associated with  conjuctival thickening , wrinkling and pigmentation.

.BITOT'S SPOT : it is a raised silvery white, foamy, triangular patche of keratonised epithelium situated on the bulbar conjuctiva in the interpalpebral area . it is usually bilateral and temporal side.

. CORNEAL XEROSIS : earlist change in the cornea  is punctate keratopathy , which begins in the nasal lower quadrant  followed by haziness or pebbly drynes . 

.CORNEAL ULCERATION/KERATOMALACIA : in this stage stromal defects due to colliquative necrosis occurs. 

small ulcers occurs peripherally , these are circular in shape. larger ulcers are extend centrally , it may involve the whole cornea. longer stromal defect can cause blindness .

.CORNEAL SCAR :  it occur due to healing defect . these are of different sizes , they may cover the pupillary area. 

.XEROPTHALMIC FUNDUS : it is characterized  by  seed like, raised, whitish lesion scattered  uniformly over the fundus at the level of optic disc.


  • LOCAL  OCULAR THERAPY: artificial tears like cellulose methyl cellulose[CMC]

VITAMIN A therapy: oral administration is recommended method if vomiting  is recureent then intramuscular route preffered

200000 IU unit above the age of 1 year orally  

100000 IU IM 

BELOW 1 year and 8kg weight of child 

100000 IU oral

50000  IU IM 

FOOD Fortication with vit A such as golden rice.

LONG term use of grean leafy vegetable, carrot, papaya and drum sticks etc.


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