Acne: 10 myths and truths

in #health7 years ago

What is acne?
Those pimples that appear on your face, neck, chest, back and shoulders are acne, a dermatological condition that has the effect of the appearance of the aforementioned granites.
They usually appear during adolescence, a time of hormonal transformation .
The most typical is "acne vulgaris", called "vulgar" because it is the most common.

Why does it appear?
The pores of the skin have sebaceous glands , which generate sebum: fat that moisturizes the skin and hair. Generally, they are programmed to produce a quantity of tallow that is proportionate to your needs.
However, with changes in the body of adolescence these glands receive stimuli that can make them hyperactive , generating too much sebum and dead skin cells. What happens then? The bacteria, due to the mentioned excess, remain inside the pore and begin to reproduce, causing redness and swelling of some areas of the skin and the onset of acne.

Types of acne manifestations
White Point
When the pore is blocked and closed, but pokes through the surface of our skin.

Blackhead / Blackhead
In this case, as in the white point, the pore becomes obstructed , but nevertheless, it remains open and its upper layer begins to darken .

The pore wall remains open and allows sebum, bacteria and dead skin cells to enter , producing red grains. When the body reacts to the bacterial infection, the tip of the granite is filled with pus .

They occur when the pores become clogged to a greater depth . These are protuberances or cysts larger than the grains and can even hurt the sufferer.

10 Myths and truths about acne

  1. Acne is something genetic, if your parents have suffered it, you have more possibilities to develop it
    This sentence is TRUTH . It has been proven that if some members of your family have suffered, you are a likely candidate to suffer it as well.

  2. The best solution is to petar and rummage in the grain until "kill"
    This sentence is LIE . When you touch your pimples you can make them swell even more, in fact, your hands will add fat to the acne and they will get even worse. Also, when you manipulate your pimples you increase the chances of leaving marks on your face.

  3. Masturbate makes you have more acne
    This sentence is LIE . This belief was initiated in antiquity to prevent young people from doing this type of acts. Nowadays we know that this does not produce acne. At the most, if there is not an adequate manual hygiene we can get some more granite if we touch our faces, but it is unlikely and has little to do with this activity.

  4. Stress makes you get more acne
    This sentence is TRUTH . Excess stress causes more discharges to the adrenal glands, which can cause some hormonal imbalance. Again, hormones instead = acne.

  5. 80% of young people from 13 to 30 years have had an outbreak of acne at some point in their lives
    This sentence is TRUTH . So you know, although "bad of many, consolation of fools", you're not the only one who suffers or has suffered. Many people know what it is.

  6. Acne arises due to dirt, if we wash a lot of face, we will have less
    This sentence is LIE . Acne has more to do with hormonal activity than with the grime of the skin. In fact, excessively cleaning our face or body can make acne worse. Everything must be done in its proper measure and with care.

  7. Women may have acne problems more often due to their more common hormonal changes (period of ovulation and menstrual)
    This sentence is TRUTH . Acne appears to a greater extent when there is a hormonal imbalance, in the case of women, changes in the amount of hormones are cyclic. So they are doomed to have more chances of having acne periodically.

  8. Sunbathing makes acne disappear
    This sentence is LIE . Although if you put brown / acne will look less, the sun's rays can dry and irritate the skin, causing you to have new acne breakouts later.
    In fact, if you suffer from acne you should protect your skin with sunscreen (not comedogenic or non-acnegenic, that is,
    do not obstruct your pores).

  9. Your diet, if it includes milk, chocolate, sugar, fried foods or iodine worsens acne
    This sentence is LIE . From the 60 until now there have been many studies around this topic and none has been able to demonstrate the relationship between the mentioned foods and the suffering of acne. What is true is that in the case of adolescents with a diet with a high glucose content, there was a greater acneic severity. In any case, what is certain is that eating fruits and vegetables, although it does not help to improve acne directly, is beneficial for your skin.

  10. There are ways to prevent acne.
    This sentence is LIE . At the moment there are no known ways to prevent the onset of acne, although we can deal with it, so far has not found a way to prevent their arrival.

Do you know any other myth or truth about acne? Share it with us!


Great post. I am going to share this with a friend. Thank you!

Looking forward to your future content

glad it was useful to you

que ascio