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RE: Joe Rogan Needs A Mindware Upgrade - Vegans are Not Earth's Enemy! (Project Much?)

in #health7 years ago

Yep, the meat-eater/vegan topic is one of the ones where JR seems to be almost 100% close-minded & dogmatic, right up there with the capitalism/competitive "human nature" concept.

He had a (former) doctor who eats only meat on at one point, they talked about how great it was for him, blah blah blah. Later, the guy finally got his blood-work done and his results were atrocious.

JRE w/ Shawn Baker:
Mic The Vegan's Response:
Mic's Follow Up after Blood-Work:

Jordan Peterson, on his most recent JRE appearance, was also actively pushing an "only-meat" diet. Joe asked a couple questions and seemed a little dubious of it, but they certainly didn't discuss the ecological, economic, or moral aspects of the "diet".


Yes, I remember that whole debacle too - completely ridiculous. It is clear that he has not yet evolved a heart balance that recognises the value of co-operation in place of competition (at least not sufficiently for it to correct the unconscious biases he is being run by currently). :/