Sunbathing stimulates the production of vitamin D
The sun provides multiple benefits for our body, but the one that stands out is the Vitamin D production , for this reason we should not hesitate when going out to take it, thanks to it we can enjoy better health .
What role does vitamin D play in our body?
It mainly allows the absorption of calcium by the organism, this makes it possible to maintain the osseous system in an excellent state. At the same time it also gives us other important benefits such as:
Regulates calcium and phosphorus levels in the blood.
Contributes to bone mineralization (skeletal development)
It could have anti-tumor properties
Help improve the processes of the imamological system
Has anti-aging functions
Vitamin D is formed naturally in our body when sunbathing, although we can also consume it in foods such as milk and eggs.
What happens in our body when we have a deficiency of this vitamin?
Different negative things happen in our body when we do not have the proper amount of Vitamin D, they can be from feeling sad to having a serious problem of rickets. Among the main problems that arise we have:
Feeling sad: This is mainly due to the hormone Seretonin, which is associated with mood. increase considerably with sun exposure
Bone pain: Deficiency of this vitamin causes a defect at the time of sending the recommended dose of calcium to the bones, which gives us those sharp and persistent pains.
Sweat on the head: Many doctors discover this deficiency in babies just by knowing if they sweat through their heads constantly, this due to a neuromuscular irritation.
Stomach problems: Deficiency of this vitamin may cause inflammatory bowel disease.
Rickets in children: a disease that can affect them from a young age when they do not get enough time in the sun.
Decrease in congnitive activities: This deficiency can very negatively affect the brain, preventing us from developing daily activities correctly.
Chronic diseases: By having this deficiency can increase the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer, psoriasis, arthritis, tuberculosis, heart disease, mental illness and affective disorders.
There are many diseases that we can avoid with just a few minutes of sun a day
What benefits do we have when sunbathing daily?
Something as simple as going out and taking a little sun can have the best benefits for our health, among them I highlight:
Strengthens our nails and teeth: : Vitamin D facilitates the absorption of calcium, which is why our nails and teeth have a better way, of course this occurs when we consume calcium in our food and we get enough sun
Significantly improves the appearance of our skin: Sunbathing helps to give more life to our skin, as well as combat a little the appearance of acne.
Strengthens our immune system: Thanks to the sun, our white blood cells increase, protecting us from various diseases.
Balances cholesterol: When we sunbathe we prevent fat from adhering to the arteries, so we can suffer less cardiovascular disease and in turn avoid overweight
Lowers blood pressure: Sunbathing increases circulation in the blood, this is because it is a very effective vasodilator, this is excellent if you are an athlete.
Sunbathing is wonderful for your health
In short we can say that sunbathing gives us impressive results, greatly improves our health and mood, Do not you think it's wonderful? , personally since I knew all these benefits, I started taking At least 15 minutes a day the sun, especially before noon.
We must sunbathe until the skin starts to be a little red, that would be the best and recommended
People with dark skin need a little more time under the sun, since their skin has more protection from the sun's rays.
I hope you have been helped by the information I share with you, for me it was a pleasure to write it.
Interesting post! I would really like to see the researched sources behind your information! I do know that some of this information is in fact true, but some of your claims need to be backed with credited sources, especially when making claims regarding health.
You are very right, I really investigated a lot about the subject and I wrote it with all the information I got, I could not tell you exact pages, but I assure you that it is a totally certain information