BACK PAIN - Overview

in #health7 years ago


This is one of the most frequent pain that plagues everyone.

Statistics has it that 1 out of every 10 adult in the world struggles with this, have suffered from it before or will encounter this at one point in time in his or her life except you're a robot or an alien 👽.

This pain leaves a sting and the discomfort is quite significant.


So it will be wise to get a good knowledge about it cause you might be the next victim.

What is this back pain all about?

This is a pain that affects any region of the back. Degree of pain varies from sharp need-like pain to hot burning sensation.

The human back anatomically is divided into 4 parts namely;

  1. Cervical part (posterior part of the neck)

  2. Thoracic part (middle back)

  3. Lumbar part (lower back)

  4. Coccydynia (tail bone or sacral)


This pain can affect any of these region, two or more parts

The part mostly affected is the LUMBAR region. This is because, it supports about 90% of the weight in the upper body.


  • The back is so important because you need it to walk properly and to keep you erect

  • You need your back to lift up something up as well as to throw something

  • You need your back to seat properly as well as to lie down

    When you have back ache, you're in big trouble and it gets worse if nothing is done early enough

Classification of back pain

  1. Acute (pain lasts for about 6-12 weeks)

  2. Chronic ( pain last for more than 12 weeks)

  • Imagine carrying​ a huge full blown pain for weeks or months 😥. This will certainly affect your peace, productivity in your place of work as well as your happiness.

Causes of back ache

(i). Osteoporosis (marble bone disease) - an abnormality were bones become dense and bristle due to abnormal depletion of calcium, phosphorus, phosphates, etc).

When this plagues any region in the back bone, there'll be serious problem

(ii). Back muscles dystrophy or over use

(iii). Accident

(iv). Arthritis - inflammation of one or more joints, characterised by swelling, warmth and redness

(v). Degenerative spinal disease

(vi). Refered pain - pain from another area that rubs off on the back

Predisposing factors

(i). Obesity (access accumulation of fat in the body)

(ii). Unhealthy life style- smoking, drinking and eating junk food

(iii). Pregnancy (back pain begins in the 18 week and peaks between 24 to 36 week)

(iv). Kidney, pancreas and gallbladder disease

(v). Cancer


(i). Physical examination by a orthopaedic doctor to know the source of the pain and the treatment to administer

(ii). Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) test - Increased values will indicate the presence of an infection, malignancy, inflammation.


(i). Maintaining a good walking, standing and sleeping position will help a great deal


Walking positions


Seating positions


Sleeping positions

(ii). Regular exercise


(iii). Eating healthy food, fruits and vegetables


Treatment is broadly divided into two;

(i). Non medical (85%)
(ii). Medical (15%) - drugs and surgery

  • Non medical

    (i). Good massage around the affected area

    (ii). Acupuncture

    (iii). Special exercise for back pain



  • Medical

    (i). Therapeutic drugs like - NSAIDs, opioids, skeletal muscle relaxers will help to relive the pain (see your doctor for medical advice)

    (ii). Injection into the epidural space

    (iii). Surgery - like total disc replacement, discetomy, etc.


I hope you learnt something. Upvote, comment and resteem to help someone out there. Thanks and cheers!!!


LBP is one of the most encountered physical symptoms with which patients come to doctor. Every day, I see a good number of patients in my chamber who are having back pain, mostly lower back. Sometimes, really difficult to treat it.

By the way, I think a minor correction is needed. marble bone disease is synonymous with osteoporosis. It is another name of Osteopetrosis

Keep up the good work :)

@Dr Hafiz thanks for your comment. It is very refreshing to have someone of your Calibre as a follower, who reads and contributes too.

Thanks for sharing this. Also, I think getting the right mattress for your bed is of great importance, just like sitting upright in the face of your computer.

@slyviam you're right.. There's no substitute for a good mattress or pillow.. Thanks

Thanks for very interesting and full of knowledge post.

I'm glad you find it interesting. Follow me for more health post

I do think it interesting, however it is very hard to understand what causes the actual pain. There is lots and lots of research for the causes of pain in the lower back. But what I really miss is the message to keep doing exercises. Up till a couple of years ago, doctors advised to stay in bed and rest for a week or two. Unfortunately this often looks very tempting because this reduces the pain at that very moment. I would like to share everybody that doing CORE excercises is the very best you can do in most cases. Keep your body strong, both the abdominals and your backmuscles.

@dboonjte. Thanks for reading and for your contribution.

You did a very good overview on back pain. This is a common problem.

@hynet. Thanks for commenting . It shows I'm doing well.