Sunscreen makes the light you are getting technically "artificial" since it blocks the UVA and UVB rays. Not good. Of course, if you're going to be outside for hours then sunscreen would maybe make sense depending on your skin type but you definitely need sun on bare skin (no sunscreen) to essentially power your mitochondria to run your body's systems. So if you burn easily, build up a tolerance. Sun is weakest in the early am and late day. Get outside then. Don't stay out long enough to burn. Eventually you'll be able to stay longer and longer.
Sunscreen makes the light you are getting technically "artificial" since it blocks the UVA and UVB rays. Not good. Of course, if you're going to be outside for hours then sunscreen would maybe make sense depending on your skin type but you definitely need sun on bare skin (no sunscreen) to essentially power your mitochondria to run your body's systems. So if you burn easily, build up a tolerance. Sun is weakest in the early am and late day. Get outside then. Don't stay out long enough to burn. Eventually you'll be able to stay longer and longer.
Using sunscreen is kind of like putting a tarp over a tree. What happens when you put a tarp over a tree?