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RE: ADSactly Health - Uncovering our hidden personality: let's play with Rorschach test

in #health7 years ago

Rorshach test is not relevant for the diagnosis of personality disorder, nor is the other projective tests (MMPI and TAT) because of the categorical character (qualitative and non-quantitative diagnostic criteria) of classification of personality disorders both in the DSM and the CIM There are nevertheless similarities in certain terms with the MMPI (hysterical, paranoid, etc.) but with different definitions. As for the classification system of Rorshach it is inspired more by psychoanalysis. In terms of research this test has never given anything in terms of personality profiles, both in terms of behavioral problems and abuse of substance, "psychosomatic diseases", etc. It is a bit of a gas plant that would have fallen into disuse if it had received a facelift by the Exner method that quantifies it. In my opinion it is a reprieve and I think it is abandoned in the Anglo-Saxon countries "(Dr. Daniel Nollet 2003 - co-author of" the pathological personalities "Ed Masson)


I also tried to stress this in the text above. This test is not used anymore for mental disorders thanks to the DSM and the other more objective diagnostic tools. But this test still it is considered a personality assessment tool and while it's not used so much anymore, it's still reliable in some extent. Thanks for your informative comment!