Time Is Not The Only Healer...

in #health8 years ago


It is strange how we are actively engaged in doing something, yet we aren’t fully aware of the benefits it can bring us. We are certainly occupied in the cobwebs of life, following a mechanical routine to live a happy and fulfilling life. With this, we forget to have a sense and feel of every moment of our lives. It’s strange how we ignore what our mind, body, and soul actually starve for “peace and well-being”. And so we come to a conclusion that, ignorance is not always bliss!! In fact, it can even cost you; your most prized possession – “happiness”. After all, that’s all we are looking for. Aren’t we??

Breathing heals. Breathing heals you in a way no medication would. It helps you attain the deepest and the widest state of life. Breathing is not only the process that is directly associated with your existence but it keeps you alive. Alive in all the right ways and aware of every micro-second that passes by. It is funny how our lives have gone for a toss because we don’t “breathe”, breathe.

Focusing on breathing and doing it in the right way has a significant effect on our overall being. It helps keep the mind calm and the blood pressure at ease. It also helps cope up with stress. A study from Harvard suggests that focused and controlled breathing can help increase the size of the brain. The thickness of cortical increases when one starts practicing focused breathing in meditation. Focused breathing helps improve heart rate variability which eventually reduces the risk of heart attacks.


Deep breathing increases the power of your concentration; it helps to eradicate self-doubt and anxiety which most of us suffer from. Practically everyone who doesn’t practice deep breathing lives in the virtual world of being actively engaged in “important work”, leaving behind no trace of getting life on track. Deep breathing helps you become more decisive and wise. It makes you aware of everything happening around you and makes you pay attention to each and every detail, making you not just physically present but mentally present as well.

Studies show that deep breathing alters the gene of the way you respond to external stimuli. It keeps you calm and composed in the times of crisis. Not just that, it also helps you lower the level of blood pressure. Simple, deep breathing practice can change your life upside down. Try it for yourself and experience the miraculous changes :)


Yes! You can do anything better with breathe!

It really works and calms you down instantly