Hygiene and prevention of diseases
"Health is wealth" without health, there is no happiness so we must care about our health. if we have good mind and body, no need other external sources for happiness.
Here we can know some viral diseases spread by dangerous mosquitoes.
All mosquitoes are not spreading virus diseases but a few mosquitoes really spread the dangerous virus fevers.
How do mosquitoes breeds?
The lakes and ponds we find in our places are highly useful for domestic use, agriculture, fishing, and for creating natural environment. But the same water becomes the breeding places of mosquitoes. Which spread illness like Malaria, Dengue and Chikungunya. When water gets polluted by man, then diseases are on the increase.
Mosquitos that spread diseases
Female Anopheles mosquitoes bite human beings and animals at night. They are the causes of spreading Malarial fever.
Culex is another kind of mosquito that bite people at night. They spread filarial germs that cause a disease called Filariasis, They also spread brain fever.
Aedis bite people during the day.They breed and lay eggs in the stagnating water, in old tyres, coconut shells, etc., These mosquitoes spread Jaundice and Dengue fever.
Diseases spread by mosquitoes
NAME OF DISEASE ----------------------- VIRUS ---------------------- DISEASE CARRIERS
Malaria ---------------------------- Plasmodium ---------------------Anopheles
Filariases --------------------------- Wuchereria bancrofti ---------------Culex
Brain fever ----------------------------- Japanese encephalitis -------------Culex
Dengue fever ------------------------------ Flavi virus ---------------Aedis
Conrolling of Diseases carriers
Controlling of disease carriers include watching the movements of the carriers, cleaning up their breeding places, controlling them using biological and chemical techniques and creating awareness among the people.
Biological control
The Gambusia fishes, grown in the water sources, consume the larvae of mosquitoes as their food. Controlling a species by growing another species is known as biological control.
Chemical control
Malathion, DDT and organophosphates can be sprayed on the roof and walls of the house in order to control mosquitoes. This method is called chemical control.
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Much better about mosquitoes. Nowadays, I will stop the mosquito's dynasty
thanks to reply @kunani
very fun
Hii @kunani ...To say in one sentence....your post is short and sweet . Covered almost all the important points ....in control- environment control is most important method as it is safe and affordable. Just removing the source by filling, draining or levelling breeding sites.
Thank you
Thank you!
Most of dengue cases in here came from stagnant clear water in the backyard.
Yes, we must keep an eye on our surrounding area.
Wow greate article!
Thanks for using the @postdoctor service!
Mosquito is very dangerous farmland @kunani