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RE: You Can't Be A Vegetarian

in #health8 years ago

Noup! I am vegan and proud of it!

Still, doesn't make you one

Weather you like it or not I am better than you.

How about climate or not?

I don't consume dead animals and animal products and i am healthier, with cleaner skin, etc etc.

But you do...

All your arguments just want to twist the wrong into right.


I don't need meat as you don't need it, it gives you cancer.

processed meat has been demonstrated to give you some kinds of colon cancer. true.

The meat industry will say anything to brainwash the population and keep them sick and addictive.

But the plant industry is all for rainbows and butterflies?

Just look at the alcohol, coffee, medications, vaccines, TV, and all that is wrong but called good.

Well, same can be said about vegan products. You don't actually graze the land. Everything vegan is processed.


I am far away of being typical consumer. I use vegan toxin free cosmetics and cleaning products, before buying i read the labels, i avoid process food as well as anything that have animal products. And since i started doing that my skin got better, my nails got stronger, hair shinier, theeth stronger.... why the heck would be so wrong to go vegan?
Why shaming vegans? It's better choice of lifestyle and as much possible not supporting bad industries and suffering is good.
No one is perfect but if there is an opportunity to be better and do better than why not?
Peace ppl! 😄

Still, your food is produced from mass agriculture that kills millions of sentient beings such as mice.

I buy organic as much as possible for various reasons.
Even though something may die on the way of production of vegetables I buy it is still me not eating dead animals or paying someone to kill an animal. I don't see the point of arguing how my choice of not eating meat is bad for you or me.... it is actually much better for me and you and animals of me not eating them...
The meat you eat is corrupted so much with hormones, toxins, antibiotics etc etc.... humans accumulate dead animals in their guts because they eat it all the time....wich results of realising toxins of rotten meat from your gut to all your body parts ....and that's how you get seriously sick over the years, how you age faster, how you die faster. Your body wants plants and people who eat plants are much more attractive....

Stanford University of Health....bla...... can kiss my pretty ass!
They are probably being paid by Monsanto to put these lies and twistings on webpage or paper.... I never heard one story that backup these clames. Yet i herad many personal stories of people being healed when they switched to organic plant based diet.
Logic is telling how they clearly want to destroy organic independent farmers and unfortunately they are doing well with it.
Shame on you for supporting them and going against the good guys.

sure. refer to your local hippy alt-medicine for some quality gullible advice.

Sure. Just label me and name call me to justify your actions and fell better about yourself by shaming vegans.
Aplouse to you!