And you alone
It is vital that you be positive in thought and action constantly, as stress and despair await at each step. But this is a personal choice, as it is all too easy to allow despair and or stress to take a foothold in your mind. This can start a downward spiral that will entrap you and hold you back from your full potentials, goals and enjoyment of life.
Stress and Self Talk
Not only does positive thought control stress, it can even improve your health in so many ways, which can snowball into full enjoyment of life. And even if you are pessimistic by nature, you can recreate the very fabric of your mind, soul and body.
Thinking positively is simply looking at everything as a seed of new possibility.
This is not the typical manner of ignoring certain aspects in life, it means you simply look at everything in search of the positive aspect... and there is always a positive aspect as all in nature is both White and Black, Negative and Positive, Yang or Yin.
Just look at the phrasing of those three typical expressions, they are juxtaposed in a better mind state or course of action.
Don't be most people
Most people as example will say Black and White... that's just the way it is.... but this connotes you will always consider the dark variables of a given situation as opposed to the light. Just begin with these three expressions, to change it now... start to say White and Black (yes people may think it strange... but who gives a rats @#&), it will key in your subconscious toward the Wiite as opposed to the Black.
The ancients understood that positive should be considered first, ahead of the negative as the negative considered first will take your energy, rather than inspire you with more.
Unfortunately we as a society have chosen the opposite, but you can and should change it for your own health... and if you have children, for their sake and stake in life.
Yet another example
We need to all start looking toward the positive, stating the positive first, thinking the positive first as we will become Positive first... what a change this will make not only in your life, but it is infectious and will affect those around you. And especially for the children (Not Kids), as they are impressionable and begin life following the lead...make that lead positive for them.
The cure
Let's relate this first to health, but realize that it is the same law of nature for, business, relationships, and all processes in life.
The health benefits of positive thinking
Researchers from around the globe continue exploring the health effects when engaged in positive thinking and its many benefits (list from the Mayo Clinic):
- Increased life span
- Lower rates of depression
- Lower levels of distress
- Greater resistance to the common cold
- Better psychological and physical well-being
- Better cardiovascular health and reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease
- Better coping skills during hardships and times of stress
The theory (although we all know it is true), is that thinking positive radically reduces stress and it's ravaging affects on the body.
The right way
Now many courses that train people in positive thinking, start by working to eliminate the negative elf talk or habits.
Now does this not make the individual focus there during the program... and in marketing is it not the first in that makes the strongest foothold or brand recognition? So why do these psychologist type folks first (and primarily or only) focus on developing the Positive?
When you concentrate on the positive, it becomes your reality.
I will leave you with this... I founded an organization that is nw in over 45 countries with over 250 branches. I was always met with the saying... "IT WON"T WORK HERE". My reply was always the same... was "Yes it will, it will work here if you will work it with the thought of it working".
It's all up to you
Image Credit: huffpost, clker, enlightenourintellect
Good Health – Evan Pantazi #Kyusho
Have a great dayInteresting post, thanks for the positive vibe! #keepsteemin :)
Positively a pleasure.
Excellent article. I agree in everything. Thanks for sharing. Follow you)
Why thanks for sharing... it's hard not to at least want to think this way.
some believe, swimming can release the negative side...Nice post. Upvote
Just like walking on the beach, it ground you...thanks for the comment and upvote, heres more:
Thanks...I needed that
We all do!
You are most welcome... I hope it helps in some way.
that's inspirational :D
Its truth, which is always inspiring.
Great post @kyusho! And totally agree.. positive and happy vibes are so important to health and longevity! Have a great day!
And it just feels better! Thanks and enjoy your day!
Great post! Thank you.
For nothing @mcash, just a early morning thought.
So very true - good post thank you
It amazes me how many do not understand this basic principle.
I agree - but I guess what seems logic to the one does not mean it is logic to the next
And a thank you very much indeed.
What's that Greek expression... oh yeah... HOOPAH
nice post @kyusho follow me @hattaarshavin
great post
Thank you.
That's the truth. Happiness isn't somewhere you sit around at, it's something you have to keep working to maintain.
And a good positive perspective helps you whistle while you work!