Prathanásana - Decalcify Your Pineal Gland

in #health8 years ago


Posture 4: “Toe to Heel” Prathanásana

As we experienced the rising energy in the prior posture of the “Palm Pose” or in Hindi Talásana, we now focus on modre fluid transport or communications of energies. In this posture we will strengthen our neural communications between brain and peripherals with greater balance and centering. As the feet are placed directly in front and in back of each other, the balance of the body is far more challenging as the brain transmits rapid fire messaging to strengthen right or left side of the body in order to maintain that balance.

As the right brain controls the left side of our bodies and the left brain controls the right side, this simple balancing posture invigorates both sides equally. People naturally have the tendency to be one side brain oriented… this posture helps to control this tendency and in turn keeps our minds and bodies much stronger. Not just from the physical firing of the muscles or the brain messaging used to accomplish this, but also our immune system as well our well-being. In actual measurements of the psychogenic cerebral field, it has been illustrated that certain psychic and/or physical responses will result from imbalanced functions within the cerebral hemispheres. If for example the left hemisphere is under active, people have a greater propensity to be depressed.

They lack initiative and generally feel poorly to the point where even minor excitements will lead to anxiety causing their overall health to decline. When the right hemisphere is underactive results will be just the opposite. People feel well, are relaxed, have an optimistic outlook, full of drive, even can be euphoric. This at first glance seems to be where we would all like to be, but the lack of focus and self-discipline can lead to other issues. We need a balance because as we age, the brain field will become more rigid, which means that we can become less flexible in behaviors and problems will become more severe as a result of one-sided thinking… unless exercised for balance, as this posture achieves.

Over time the practitioner will become more adept and natural in this centering process where the mind and body are focus in unison and the rocking or shaking side to side is quieted. This places the practitioners mind in a very focused and centered state (with both side qualities) and the human potential at its optimum.

At the center of the brain resting between the right and left hemispheres is the pineal gland, also known as the "third eye" (or 6th Chakra). It is a small endocrine gland which produces melatonin, a hormone that affects the modulation of wake/sleep patterns and photoperiodic (seasonal) functions of the body. The physiological function of this gland was unknown until more recent times, however many ancient traditions and practices such as yoga, have long known this area in the middle of the brain to be the connecting link between the physical and spiritual worlds. It has long been revered as the most powerful and highest source of ethereal energy available to humans.
It is the pineal gland or third eye that controls our various bio-rhythms as it works in harmony with the hypothalamus gland. It serves to regulate the body's thirst, hunger, sexual desire and even the biological clock that determines our aging process. However atrophy and calcification of the pineal gland is typical in adults, and has been observed in children as young as 2, with calcification occurring in an estimated 40% of individuals by their 12th year. This calcification stems from lack of use and accumulation of man-made substances such as fluoride.

It is however possible to reverse this atrophy or calcified state to awaken the gland and restore its functionality. When this gland "awakens" it begins to vibrate at a higher frequency as well as bring our whole being into this higher frequency and emotional or spiritual state. This high vibrational condition speeds up our learning processes and memory; it increases our intuition, wisdom and creativity along with making us much more aware of all around us. This posture and its demands on the rapid right/left brain activity will naturally promote the de-calcification or awakening process.

To aid or quicken the awakening or de-calcify of this gland, we can also use an ancient exercise more widely attributed to Tibetan monks, that of employing vibrational sound. It is recommended to first work with this sound in a seated position with spine straight so as not burden the mind and body working on the balance of this posture. When the process is understood, then it is best to employ this awakening method within this posture. First take a few deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth, as you inhale breathe deeply to the perineum as you exhale feel the body relax and release the physical tensions. Once relaxed, inhale deeply again and then exhale relaxing, but this time place your tongue between the teeth and slightly press the teeth into it. Purse the lips as if you were to kiss and say the word LOVE, extending the final sound for the complete exhale. This should vibrate the lips first and then through the center of your head to the third eye area of your forehead. This tone will be unique to each individual and you will know when you have found this correct tone for yourself when it does vibrate through the center of your head. This vibration will also stimulate both sides of the brain equally so as to become more whole as opposed to one side brain oriented. This is further ingrained by using the posture with the brains control of side to side balance and strength. It may take a couple of months to feel the awakening of the pineal Gland totally (this is dependent on how long it was calcified and how dedicated you are to the process). Once you feel comfortable with your sound and vibrational affects, begin to use them in this posture as prescribed below.

“Toe to Heel” Prathanásana

As you settle to your heels from the “Palm Pose” position, bring your hands down (palms still together), to chest level and maintain throughout this posture.

Then place one foot directly in front of the other with the toes touching the heel of the foot in front. It will not matter which foot is forward first as you will be repeating this posture also with the opposite foot forward as well.

Inhale deeply into the perineum as you feel the energies drop through the heel (of the rear foot) as in this position the rear leg will act as a grounding mechanism, while the front leg more of a rising mechanism. As you then exhale, make the sound that you had discovered to be your vibrational frequency. You will feel the vibration first at the lips, then into the center of the head and third eye area of the forehead. As you prolong the exhale and sound, you will feel the vibration emanate through the center of the body (Shushuma) and down through the rear leg.

This vibration increases the brain and spines activity as it centers the body to maintain the side-to-side balance. This leg position also serves to open the frontal legs Nadis or channels and closes the rear legs side channel. This will in turn stimulate the correlating side spinal channel (Ida or Pingala), on the forward leg with rising energy while the correlating rear leg Nadi will ground the vibrational energy. By isolating one channel at time you will open and stimulate it more and develop both a rising and dropping energy capability simultaneously. The time required in this posture will vary with the individuals needs and will be felt through experience. Of course everyone is different and time should not be the concern, instead the concentration should be on the enjoyment of the posture and its benefits. The entire process will be repeated with feet switched, which in turn changes the energetic directional flows to their opposites for full balance.

Once you are experienced and become adept at this posture with all the details, you can experiment to improve your balance and benefits by performing this exercise with your eyes closed.

Breathing and Intention:
Each inhale through the nose (which ties in with the Ida and Pingala), allow all energy to flow into the ground, as you extend the perineum downward. Feel the energy drop through the rear leg as it becomes more of a pedestal as the front leg bears no weight.

On the exhale contract or pull up on the perineum while breathing out of the mouth and making your personal awakening vibrational sound. This will stimulate the Pineal Gland, Third Eye as well as the Shushuma, Ida and Pingala and brain. As you become more accustomed to this posture, with sound, bring your attention to the feel of the energy as it rises from the front foot through the Shushuma and its associated side Nadi. The energy rising through the front leg, body and into the head will have the same vibrational frequency and feel throughout (none stronger or weaker than the other).

As you become familiar and accustomed with your personal vibrational frequency, you will in turn become more sensitive to all vibrations. This will be in objects, nature and other people, this is the beginning of your awakening.

Next issue: “Tree Pose” Vrikshásana

Good Health - © Evan Pantazi 2013

Yoga Instructor: Carolina Lino – Ponta Delgada, Azores
Photo by: Tiago Pacheco Maia – Ponta Delgada, Azores


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Good lord cheetah, even though verified material from my own site is flagged.

What is more disturbing and enlightening at the same time is this is from a private paid page (offered free in Steemit), yet bits have already accessed this page.

Let that stand as a nothing is private on the net folks!

Great post.
I look forward to exploring the posture.
I love the simple ones .. we can find such depth in them, especially with the (so valuable) sound work incorporated.Hey @kyusho,

Love & Peace & Freedom

Thank you @richhorn, sorry I can not upvote your reply with eSteem on phone overseas.

I agree the depth can only be found in simplicity.

So happy to reading posts like this on Steemit!