Healthy foods rich in protein

in #health7 years ago


Many people believe that red meat is the primary and primary source of protein, but in fact some other foods are alternative to meat, contain high proportions of protein, and may be the most beneficial for health. Meat is the food that contains animal protein and fat, It is characterized by low fat and therefore less harmful to health. Here is a list of the most prominent foods rich in protein.

1 - lentils

Lentil glass contains 18 grams of protein, and the fat is low, which makes it useful food and very healthy. It is characteristic of lentils that helps reduce cholesterol in the blood, thus reducing the chances of cardiovascular disease.

2 - chickpeas

The cup of chickpeas also contains 11 grams of protein, and is characterized by helping to feel full without weight gain.

The chickpeas can be boiled and some spices and a little lemon juice added to it.

  1. peanut butter

The healthy protein content in the peanut butter cup is about 28 g and has a delicious taste for children and adults. Peanut butter is known to reduce appetite, but may contribute to weight gain in case of excessive intake.

4- Beans

Both white beans and black beans, all have a close proportion of protein, which is about 7 grams per cup, and beans are rich in dietary fiber important for health of the body. In addition to containing the folic acid, potassium, vitamin B6

  1. Soybeans

One of the most important foods that contain a large proportion of protein, as one cup boiled boiled 18 g protein, but it is recommended to eat the organic type of it.

6- Shea seeds

Shea seeds are also one of the most important sources of healthy protein, with a large spoon containing 3 g protein, as well as a large proportion of the important omega-3 fatty acids that help burn body fat.

7- Tuna

Nutritionists usually recommend eating tuna that is useful for the body, and is suitable for diets to give the body a great benefit with a few calories. The tuna cup contains about 39 g protein and 179 calories if the oil-free type is selected. Protein in salmon, 100 g of it contains 25 g protein.

  1. Eggs

Of healthy foods for the growth of the body and bones, and advised to be eaten by children regularly, and each egg contains 6 grams of protein, and 78 calories.

  1. Broccoli

Broccoli is one of the foods that are rich in many of the most beneficial elements of the body, the most important of which is the healthy protein. Broccoli contains about 3 g protein, as well as potassium, fiber and a group of vitamins.

10 - almonds

Nuts are also nutrients that carry many benefits to health, especially the heart, and the proportion of protein in nuts, increasing in almonds, estimated at 3 g protein in 15 g almonds.

  1. Dairy products

It is recommended to choose a low-fat, whether yogurt, milk or cheese Quraish to be a healthy meal and useful at the same time. The box contains yoghurt-free 6 grams protein and 24 calories, and the same amount of milk contains 15 grams protein and 60 calories, The cow is "about 200 ml" and without cream is rich in 8 g protein with 32 calories. Quraish cheese is made from low-fat dairy products. In one half cup of cheese, the quraish is 13 g protein and 52 calories.


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