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RE: Alternative medicines : when good things can lead to charlatanism (part I)

in #health8 years ago

I don't think there is only ONE standard for facts if we are considering the ability of each of us to understand the world. Many things depends on our environment, our culture, the society in which we grew up or are living in. We are realizing today that authorities in which we put our trust are failing in the mission that was giving to them, but we are forgetting that all these people are HUMANS, just like each one of us. Yes, they have flaws and can do things wrong, but they can also do things right! I just don't think we should generalized to every people or authorities. There is also very good things in today's discoveries, technologies and understanding of the world around us. And must important of all : more we are discovering, more we are aware there is still so much to discover... Since the last 20 years, I noticed that many medical staff are accepting "other" ways to help people in their recovery. Studies are made to associate different kind of medicine, in the interest of a better well-being of patients.
Nobody is perfect, there is only perfect intentions...


i'm not sure what culture has to do with 2+2 but, we know the system is corrupt. i have known it since 1977 when i was 7. there are those who are actively corrupt, those who are in denial and those who stand by and watch because it is easier. my family has been devastated by this corrupt medical system. many are dead and many are dying and the dying are still too brainwashed to accept help.

i'd put a positive spin on this if i could but perfect intentions are the perfect pavement on the perfect road to hell. i have lost 4 family members in the last 3 years because of this corruption. my father is about to be the fifth. pretending these people are not responsible for their actions by saying they are HUMANS, is trying to justify what amounts to negligent homicide or since there are healthy, functional alternatives that are known and available, it may be considered complicity in mass murder.

there is no authority but the self, anything else is voluntary victimhood. i have begun to find the answers. i am alive because of these answers. if i depended on the poison and betrayal that is the medical system that we are being increasingly subjected to by force, i would have been dead 5 years ago. if you are interested in the answers, maybe try looking for them instead of making excuses for butchers.

ignorant and stupid people allow themselves to be harmed by some alternative medicine through ignorance and stupidity. that does not mean that we should be mandated into the orthodoxy which is killing people in increasing numbers, for profit. this is not focused solely on you. this is directed at the system in which, most are participating of their own free will.