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RE: Skipping Breakfast Will Make You Cranky - Dont Skip It!

in #health8 years ago

Does a healthy breakfast really consist of dairy, grains and fruits? really though?
In my opinion a Ketogenic Way of Eating would be or should i say Is the healthiest, you should look into it. You wont regret it and you will feel 110%, always! 😃


I agree. The health epidemics we face today are the result of removing all the sat. fat and cholesterol. Healthy brain function requires sat. fat. The body will make cholesterol anyway if it needs it. They put vegetable oil and canola oil in all the fryers instead of lard. Everyone buys low fat high sugar stuff too. That is what changed in our diets.

Sugar metabolism releases clouds of free radicals into your blood stream which damages artery linings. The body temporarily patches it up with cholesterol. Going into ketosis once in a while, gives the arteries a chance to heal that damage and remove the patches. If you never go into ketosis, then those patches build up until the artery is blocked.

Our primary energy source was never meant to be sugar, it was meant to be sat. fat. The US recommended food pyramid is completely upside down. the bottom part is all sugar while the top says sugar sparingly. It isn't even consistent with itself.

Cancer cells can't metabolize ketones, and it will starve during ketosis. Plus the immune system is fired up during ketosis as well as brain function. There will be more assassin immune cells to kill the cancer cells. Toxins and free radicals are what mutates DNA to cause cancer in the first place.

PS. Free radicals are bits and pieces leftover when molecules get broken up during normal functions. These bits and pieces are highly reactive chemically and rip other structures apart on contact. Anti-oxidants will proactively react with the free radicals to help neutralize them into a molecule that isn't reactive as your kidneys filter it out.

Tq for the comments. We all can learn from each other here ^_^

more on health please.

Check this guy out:

He is really awesome. Learned a lot from him.

Tq for reading. Whatever your diet is , as long as it is healthy it is OK. ^_^