※ These posts are ranked by the sum of votes and comments.
1. Surfers were particularly vulnerable to bacteria resistant to antibiotics
@prosto, 338 votes, 0 replies, $2.07
2. Things that you should not do after a meal, if you want to be healthy
@ntl, 329 votes, 0 replies, $1.45
3. Pregnancy leads to disorders in the brain
@ntl, 319 votes, 0 replies, $1.45
4. Temporary tattoos will prompt when you need to stop sunbathing
@aptyp, 303 votes, 0 replies, $1.46
5. Six Week Health Challenge (Win up to 560 Steem)
@healthsquared, 125 votes, 136 replies, $276.63
6. Knowledge of several languages facilitates the adaptation of children with autism
@xeo, 196 votes, 0 replies, $1.20
7. Diabetes and Obesity Can be Prevented By Blocking FKBP51 Protein
@rickie, 141 votes, 6 replies, $55.99
8. Cardiac experts have released new threshold limits of high blood pressure for American People
@munawar1235, 123 votes, 9 replies, $33.48
9. [Health-care sector and commodity prices boost TSX, loonie advances
@lamonicahol, 128 votes, 0 replies, $0.82
10. Why the teeth become sensitive and what to do about it
@prosto, 117 votes, 2 replies, $0.51
11. Jus Terapi (Raw Juice Therapy) BILINGUAL
@awint, 88 votes, 5 replies, $2.13
12. How to become stronger in training?
@rnb, 90 votes, 1 replies, $0.37
13. Carrots are not good for rabbits
@kelly92, 85 votes, 1 replies, $0.54
14. The amazing Charles Bonnet syndrome
@kelly92, 85 votes, 0 replies, $0.47
15. Why do we say "health" after a sneeze?
@kelly92, 84 votes, 1 replies, $0.51
16. ❤️ You are beautiful! Love yourself just the way you are! ❤️
@karensuestudios, 62 votes, 21 replies, $69.68
17. Anxiety called an early indicator of Alzheimer's disease
@slavic, 80 votes, 0 replies, $0.30
18. I like you!!!
@healthwizard, 75 votes, 2 replies, $39.13
19. HEALTH MATTERS : Grounding the Human Body: The Healing Benefits of Earthing
@nkkb, 56 votes, 20 replies, $5.99
20. Q Anon, A False Flag Attempt Is Headed Our Way - Episode 1474b
@x22report, 57 votes, 3 replies, $3.92
21. E.12 | Fluoride & Other Toxins in Your Municipal Water Supplies Are Poisoning You. They're FULL of Cancerous NeuroToxins & Crap. Here's some VISUAL Proof. Is YOUR Water Supply Polluted Similarly? | Still w. VIDEO Seminar I Appear In.
@barrydutton, 53 votes, 4 replies, $28.70
22. High-Salt Intake Over Long Periods Can Affect The Brain
@rickie, 50 votes, 4 replies, $11.55
23. Bianca's Weight Loss Journey: Listen to your... Stomach! [ Part 18 ]
@bkdbkd, 27 votes, 25 replies, $60.98
24. Cleanliness is the guarantee of health?
@xeo, 50 votes, 1 replies, $0.21
25. DAILY DIGITAL DETOX: A Steemit Community Life Series & Reminder | E.55 | Intentionally / Regularly Unplugging + My Quick Engagement Poll To You!
@barrydutton, 48 votes, 2 replies, $28.40
26. Old News But New Commitment
@givonwayne, 47 votes, 3 replies, $0.12
27. In-Depth Guide: Choosing a Healthy Mattress | Slow Rolling Home Journey
@ameliabartlett, 39 votes, 9 replies, $98.61
28. A pacemaker at 11 years of age
@immarojas, 35 votes, 12 replies, $35.50
29. A Survivor’s Prayer
@relationshipblog, 47 votes, 0 replies, $4.95
30. Interesting facts about bananas
@slavic, 39 votes, 2 replies, $0.14