Yeah, I also don't understand that.
Yes, vaccines can hurt. In some rare cases they may even kill a child.
But if the chances are 1 in 1 million that the vaccines kill my child, and 1 in 100 that whatever the vaccines protects against kill my child, then I will of course vaccinate.
Everything else is manslaughter out of negligent.
With the "it can hurt" argument you could also say: No Ambulances! They kill people.
Just 2 month ago not very far from here an ambulance had an accident where the colliding driver was killed.
But the same anbulance probably saved 100 lives in that year alone.
Do not use an ambulance? Hell no!
Great analogy. In my experience, people (including myself) struggle putting risk data into real world terms. In risk communication, something like this is often helpful to get across the differences in a quick and easy to understand fashion. source