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RE: Is the government, Trying to kill us?

in #health8 years ago (edited)

I filter my water with a carbonit filter and vilatize it with 7 diffferent bio-ressonanz methodhs stuffed in one tool :-)
Fluoride in the water is an important topic and yes they try to harm us and make us ill because ill slaves are eassier to control. While earning a lot of money for our health care. Very clever system what these world rulers have created. The more the people are aware of such topics the less they can harm us ;-) Thanks for sharing.


Typical carbon filter may not catch fluoride. You have to distill usually and it might be cheaper to buy distilled water. The amount of fluoride varies but it's never healthy to swallow fluoride. Fortunately there is such a small amount usually in water that you'd spend your whole life swallowing it without it killing you but it depends on how long you live and on your particular reaction.

This might explain why so many people drink bottled water. Distilled water and bottled water is nice to have to drink.