in #health7 years ago (edited)

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Damn I’m so darn mad I could actually spit nails, my boiling point is tearing up, my wits end are near, I’m so mad I could literally erupt on you like a volcano.

When anger emerges, own it. It’s not for someone else to deal with as it’s not theirs but yours.


No matter who you are or how evolved you are, you get angry from time to time. And most times when you get angry, you forget patience, humility, common sense and even yourself! When we forget all this important factors how can we even remember the beautiful side of anger.

Anger is so handsome and beautiful, I’ll tell you why in a moment.

Everything in life is made up of energy, and mastery over life is knowing how to channel energies properly, for your good.

The energy of anger is a tremendous one, of course it is. The energy of an emotion that can make a man commit murder has got to be insanely tremendous!

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Everyone gets angry, and we have various ways of dealing with it. Some constantly rage in irritation at others or complain about it to themselves or people they talk to. Some boil up and higher until they finally explode. Some live with the thinking that they should never feel anger, that it’s not safe for themselves or others so they try to repress their anger and when anger is repressed, a chance opens up for it to surface through other channels creating problems such as aggression, hostility, self-hatred etc. Some of us actually deal with anger by all these three methods.

Anger is not to be feared, for it is our mistreatment of it that makes us fear it.

So what really is “Anger”?

For me the real definition of anger is,
an honest emotion that tells us that something needs to be change. It is the fuel and power to make things different.

Please write this on your heart as being fully aware of this is your first step towards harnessing the beauty behind anger.

This is why anger is beautiful - It gives you the energy and power to make a change in your life.

We are powerful and full of potentials when we’re very angry and sometimes it takes a lot of anger for us to make a life move for when we’re angry we are often full of abilities to do things that we can’t do when we’re not angry.

I do not buy into the idea of avoiding or ignoring feelings that arise with us for there are no bad emotions, just a mishandling or misapprehending of them. All emotions can be great teachers, including anger.

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Understanding Anger

To understand our anger we have to know exactly where it’s coming from. Being fully aware of what/who exactly made us angry shows us where we have important life lessons. Using the anger as a tool for empowerment and recognizing its beauty is how we use its energy to make a change in our lives as it guides us forward into a new world of possibilities.

Anger is one of the strongest emotions we feel, for it provides us with an immense driving force for power, push and motivation.

”Anger is like gas to the automobile — it fuels you to move forward and get to a better place. Without it, we would not be motivated to rise to a challenge. It is an energy that compels us to define what is just and unjust” - Arun Gandhi

Taking a deeper outlook into this subject, one can safely conclude that you need “anger” to succeed in life - A healthy anger.

We’re not going to talk about the unhealthy form of anger as we all know that the only thing we gain from it is painful regret and so instead of dwelling on its ugly side learn to be proactive and grow into being able to see anger as a beautiful gift to make positive changes in your life.

“The gift of the energy of Anger is such that is essential for us to be able to create the kind of lives we want to live.”

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How To Harness The Power Of Anger Energy

To harness the power of anger energy, it must be embraced and listened to for every emotion tells us something important, about our inner nature and sometimes about the world outside.

Feeling angry is like an emotional guidance, this is why it must be seen as a tool to make positive changes.

That anger you have towards that thing or that person has the power to change your life. Take a deeper look at it, take a deeper look at all the stories that pops up in your head regarding the circumstance that caused the anger. Discover what’s behind the anger, the root source of the reason for the anger. The exact change that needs to be done, for this is the purpose of anger. To make a positive change.

Anger or any other form of emotion carries within it a vibration. Avoid labeling certain feelings as good or bad, for all is about energy and the feeling of anger has tremendous amount of energy and power.

Anger is an accumulation of energy and we all know that energy can never be destroyed but can only be transmuted into something else. And so it is how we transmute how anger that shows how wise and grown we are for the outcome of anger leaves a massive impact depending on how we channel it’s energy.

Anger can positively change your life forever!

Use it wisely and watch the abundance of love flow in your life!


To know that there's a positive side to anger that can ne harnessed for our good makes a lot of sense.
ThanksI always enjoy your posts @lifegoalmentor.

I’m glad that you relate to this concept.

Everything force and emotion has a beauty behind it, a positive side. And it’s our duty to always be fully aware of this as it generally keeps us ahead in life

Thanks for stopping by!

You are very welcomed

I totally understand your point here @lifegoalmentor , when we are angry we seem to have more energy than otherwise and that intensity can allow us do the necessary things to get closer to our goals.

Being a football fan myself, I remember watching a famous football youtuber (the F2) explaining his technique to strike the ball with super strength (the guy is known for doing that) and in the video he said he simply got super mad seconds before striking the ball, and that helped him a lot.

I am sure the same could be applied to other aspects of life.

Cheers buddy!

Being a football fan myself, I remember watching a famous football youtuber (the F2) explaining his technique to strike the ball with super strength (the guy is known for doing that) and in the video he said he simply got super mad seconds before striking the ball, and that helped him a lot.

Woah! Now that’s mastery of this wonderful energy!

It definitely can be applied to other aspects of life, energy is just everything

Thanks for stopping by!

I completely agree with this post, anger is basically a mirror of your subconscious needing to improve, you are really not getting angry at other people for what they are doing, you are getting angry because you haven't accepted the trait that that person just showed you in yourself. So therefore it is the anger that tells you what to work on. Great post ! Following you now.

anger is basically a mirror of your subconscious needing to improve

You absolutely relate with the message man.

Thanks for stopping by! Got ya ;)

You have no idea how much man :)) no problem, seems like I'm going to continue stopping by. Also thinking about making content similar to this on dtube, since I'm not as good at writing.. cya around and keep up with the golden content :)

Go ahead bud. I’m looking forward to seeing you create awesome contents on dtube!

Much thanks and see you around! :)