I've had to discover quite a bit about my biology by elimination and addition diets. Nightshades, grains, nuts, pasteurized milk, are a few of the things to which I eventually developed a reaction. Since I fixed my health I'm not as sensitive to them anymore. After dozens of alterations I settled on a combination of an alkaline diet and a Bulletproof diet. I'm not exactly strict about it, but it has allowed me to recognize which foods and timing of foods build me up and which ones tear me down.
If you have mold anywhere near your living space get rid of it.
Above all, the thing that helped me the most, is this, specifically the blood electrification part.
These are all my opinions, and things that worked for me may not work for everyone.
If you are interested in any of the things listed, let me know I'll tell you anything that I know about it. It has been a long road, and there is much more detail than just this, but these are the basics.