Get Back On Track - Program Journal

in #health7 years ago (edited)

How's your exercise doing so far?

Those are the functional exercises that you will perform throughout this program. The stretches will remain the same throughout all next phases.

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  • In Phase One you will perform each of the functional exercises a total of fifteen times, three times a week.
  • In Phase Two, you will do one set of fifteen of each of the functional exercises, four times a week.
  • In Phase Three, you will do two sets of fifteen of each of the functional exercises, five times a week.
  • In Phase Four, you will do three sets of fifteen of each of the functional exercises, five times a week.

Just a few last-minute details.

Following each phase, you must have a "Journal". This is your basis for a complete record of your entire health and fitness journey and will help you organize everything that you will need to do along the way. Your journal will serve as a record of your progress, and it can be a great motivational tool. I highly recommend that you take the time to complete all the journal entries. It is also a good idea to jot down your thoughts and feelings about this entire process, including what's easy for you, what's difficult, when you surprise yourself, and when you let yourself down. The information can prove to be invaluable. This permanent diary of your progress will also be fun and interesting to refer back to once you reach your goals.

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Program Journal

By now you should have a good idea of what should have expected of you in Phase One. If you are unclear or confused about any of the information discussed this far, please go back and reread it.

Use your following checklist to make sure that by now you have:

  • Read all the information up through this section at least once and understand it.

  • Contacted your physician and receive clearance to participate in an exercise program.
    You can find about Obtaining Medical Clearance here:

  • Started drinking your six glasses of water each day.

  • Taken the twelve-question attitude quiz.
    You can find it here

  • Fully understand each question corresponds to a specific attitude, trait, belief, or behavior corresponding to the questions that you answered "YES" to.

  1. Do you believe that if you reach a certain size you'll be happy?

  2. Do you frequently look for a shortcut or an easier way to achieve what you want?

  3. Do you frequently use excuses to get yourself out of doing what it takes to reach your goal?

  4. Are you often impatient with slow results?

  5. Do you ever consider giving up when you experience minor setbacks?

  6. Do you often procrastinate?

  7. Are you afraid of change?

  8. Do you typically choose immediate gratification overreaching your long-term goals?

  9. Do you ever use family, relationship, or work obligations as an excuse not to take care of yourself?

  10. Are you afraid of disappointing others?

  11. So you ever blem something or someone else for your inability to change your goals?

  12. Do you ever feel that you don't deserve the happy or successful?

  • Written an essay about any failed past attempts to lose weight

  • Signed the Get with the Program Contract with Myself.

  • Practiced and feel comfortable performing all of the Functional Exercises

Flexibility exercises / stretches

Abdominal crunches

Back and shoulder exercises

Lower leg exercises

  • Informed those close to you that your goals and this program are important to you.

You also need to know and write down your: General Health Information

Starting weight ______ Blood pressure ______ Total cholesterol ________

LDL cholesterol______ HDL cholesterol_______ Blood sugar________

But before we leave, here's the last reminder:

Phase One Requirements

  • Water: six glasses each day.

  • Functional Exercises: one set of fifteen, three times per week.

  • Recommended time at Phase One: one to three weeks



Thanks for the whole previous sessions especially exercises in phase one, I learned a lot not only the exercises but all your shared thoughts.

That was so nice to know, you encourage me to post more. That's my wish, for you to learn the importance of the program, and encourage you too to become fit and healthy.

Yup you r great at it.and i would say fitness should be the goal of life for everyone.

I think that idea of the "Journal" is great, when it comes to exercises, keeping track of everything you do can really be: key.

Sessions, thoughts, schedules to perform each action and do not miss anything. Another very good thing is your form of explanation quite detailed so that the doubts are clear and we encourage you to follow you on this long road.

Very well said dear. Thanks a lot for following my posts @gustavoadolfodca