I try to find micro moments in my day where I can interject small changes to improve my overall health and wellness. Some examples of things I already do is take the stairs when I can, walk on my lunch break and take short 30 second “breath” breaks where I try to let go of all the tension in my body and refocus.
I LOVED this article! I'm totally going to try it. They've got these at my kids' school and they are actually really comfortable. My whole hip socket and low back is out of shape. I'm in need of a makeover. And I love the "micro" ways to improve my health, without a huge overhaul in a busy day. Thanks for this. Very motivating, and well written.
What with the poem you posted and now this, I think we're going to get along.
OK. I totally went out and bought an exercise ball. I have been sitting on it at my office at home. Looking forward to seeing better back health! Thanks for the nudge.
I'm so glad you enjoyed the post! I was a little skeptical if sitting on the exercise ball would help my low back pain, but i've been so happy with the results.
You should totally give the "micro-moment" idea a try. You might be surprised what little pockets of time you find in your day to do something good for your body. Sounds like your a busy mom - and so finding ways to fit in full- on workouts is probably super challenging!