** A holy sht experience, literally*
The first few days of the cleanse were easy, we were still eating light vegan alkalizing food. When we started fasting my energy levels became erratic, I’d have a lot of energy and then suddenly be exhausted. I knew when this happened it was crucial to rest and allow my body to deal with the toxins being released.
A few days after the fast began the mucus gut lining or “mucoid plaque” started coming out! HOLY SHT, this sht was literally holy! I was astonished by what came out of me. And it kept coming and coming for days, even a few days after I started eating food again. It. was. profound and felt amazing!
When consuming only liquids for days, a good variety of liquids is so welcomed and heavenly. My favorite was a slow cooked vegetable broth that I made with rich shiitake mushrooms and tons of organic veggies - carrots, celery, onions, garlic, bay leaves, kale and cabbage. (See previous post for recipe) It felt amazing to have something warm and nourishing in my belly.
My daily cup of chaga felt even more amazing than usual. BTW I make it with the chaga chunks, I highly recommend order the chunks, saying “hello” to this incredible medicinal mushroom and making chaga yourself as opposed to buying the powder. My other hot liquid of choice was simply hot water, it felt really nice in my belly and helped to keep me warm when my body was general cold from fasting.
Green juice offered some super yummy energizing fluids – kale, celery, cucumber, green apple, cabbage, cilantro, lemon, ginger. All help with the detox process, especially cilantro which helps remove heavy metals! Helloooo, amazing. Except it if tastes like soap to you, then don’t add it. Straining your juice of excess fiber is recommended while on the cleanse.
Cold water herbal infusions were a nice refreshing alternative to plain water. It’s good to mix it up when you’re only drinking liquid! For certain plants, like those in the mint family, some of the healing properties can only be extracted through herbal infusions and get destroyed when making a hot tea. Simply put fresh organic mint in a glass or jar of water and let it sit in the sun for a few hours, then sip and enjoy.
Meditation and very light movement were also key to this experience. Simply arriving on the mat, sitting, breathing deeply into the belly and emptying the breath while engaging the transverse abdominals was GREAT! It kept the energy moving, helped cleared out the gut and bring in light, high vibe clear energy into the body. Also sitting in the sun and absorbing the solar energy felt incredible and deeply nourishing.
And the ultimate moment of the whole cleanse was eating the first solid food in 5 days, the blueberries!!! Blueberries have never been so divine, that moment birthed a deeper appreciation for simple foods in their total natural state of being. Watermelon was the second thing I ate and holy wow it was divine!
Since the cleanse my digestion has improved massively, now everything I eat moves more fluidly. I’m absorbing more nutrients and more energy from my food. I don’t need to eat as much! I’ve developed more connected intuition about what is best for me to eat. After clearing a lot of the stagnant energy that was blocking the communication between my mind and my body, I can more easily listen to the wisdom of my body. Also, this pesky patch of eczema on my hands has finally disappeared! And I feel like my immune system is functioning better!
After years of studying and experimenting with different dietary approaches and healing food theories, I’ve come to believe that there is no “right” way for us all and that as individuals we need to discover what works best for us. I also believe that doing a cleanse like this is a great way to strengthen the mind-body connection, develop body intuition and learn to listen for what’s best. This type of deep cleanse isn’t for everyone, it requires one to have the general health and strength to fast. I also believe that to do it well, it takes dedication, including the time and space to rest and wholehearted honor the body during the process. There is a “gentle cleanse” option which would allow one to maintain a more normal level of activity while on the cleanse!
Much love and happy belly vibes to you all!
Let's see some photos of that mucoid plaque! Lolol.
You sure?! It's really gross
Want to see mine lolol.
Haha yea show us!
Here it is.... I feel like this thing could have been sticking to my intestinal lining for years....!

OMG that looks like seaweed :astonished:
OMG 😳 so good you got it out!!! Thanks for sharing
I love to use intermittent fasting as a part of my approach to listening to my body. As I have refocused my diet to include a better balance of nutrients through mostly whole foods, sensations of hunger are infrequent unless I begin to approach a 14-18 hr window. Even then, with proper electrolyte balance, I would likely be able to extend further.
Our bodies have the potential to be so flexible to our ways of eating, but often are beaten down by the chemically-laden and nutrition-stripped standard western diet. Once we get into this habit of optimized nutrition, we always wonder how we even managed the former way of eating.
It's so true. I've done some experimenting with intermittent fasting, always been a great experience. I'd like to deepen my practice with it. I feel my body naturally calling for that and often honor long periods of time without eating.
Thanks for sharing this. I have only managed a few days on liquids. It can get really tough. And you are right about the ups and downs. Good for you!!
So true that it can get tough. The veggie broths, chaga and green juice really got me through! Also I wasn't working during that time, and could rest as much as I needed to. Rest was sooo essential.
This was a super clearing cleanse! Want to see a picture of my mucoid plaque? Lolol. I can't believe this plaque was in my body for so long....
Yea show us!!!