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RE: Children Vaccinated At Birth For Hepatitis B in Australia! Why?

in #health8 years ago

@synapse This is issue of individual rights vs. the common good is a delicate matter and can be a slippery slope. If you child was genetically susceptible to severe reaction to a vaccine, would you put your child on the altar for the common good? Wouldn't you just demand more studies and better science to ensure safety for all or to be able to identify and protect those who might be injured. Most people who are mislabeled "anti-vaxers" by those who wish to silence them are not anti-vaccine, they want safe vaccines and real science to help protect BOTH individual children and society. The supreme court classifies vaccines as "unavoidably unsafe" not safe and effective as pharma has called them. The reason nearly every state in the country still has exemptions and that we have established a vaccine damage compensation fund is because vaccines are unavoidably unsafe and as such it is a violation of personal liberty to demand that any person submit themselves or their child to an unavoidably unsafe procedure.