Compilation of Information on Xenoestrogens & How They Threaten You

in #health7 years ago

Products That Contain Xenoestrogens:

Pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers
Car pollution
Some deodorants, antiperspirants (Aluminium)
Shampoos and skin creams - (parabens)
Most sun tan creams
Polychlorinated biphenyls PCB’s,
Fuels and car fumes
Polycarbonate plastic bottles including some babies bottles,
Plastic food containers,
Plastic film

Facts & Interesting Info:

Lab added these chemicals to hormone sensitive cancer cells grown in a petri disc make them grow and spread like wildfire.

Anything absorbed through the skin is 10x the oral dosage

1 in 8 Women in the USA will get Breast Cancer

62% of Women in the USA will get a Hysterectomy(most common cause is tumor on the uterus)
15% of girls aged 8 precocious(early) puberty

5% girls aged 5 early puberty

Xenoestrogens compete with Estradiol(natural estrogen)

In 2002, 42% of the male bass in the Potomac River near Washington DC are producing eggs. Suspect chemicals include pesticide run off from farms, laundry detergent and birth control pills ending up in the river. A follow up study in 2006, showed 80% of the male small mouth bass were growing eggs in 3 tributaries emptying into the Potomac according to Vicki Blazer, a fish pathologist of the U.S. Geological Society. Officials have concluded that "endocrine disrupters" are likely causing the problem.

A study in 1993 showed that rhesus monkeys developed a thickened uterus (the first stages to develop cancer) and endometriosis after being fed food that contained dioxin, a xenoestrogen, over a four-year period.

70 years ago, when the environment was free of estrogenic pollutants, there were only 21 reported cases of endometriosis versus the current 5.5 million in North America alone.

International Journal of Andrology has linked pollutant oestrogenic chemicals in mothers’ breast milk with an increased rate of testicular cancer and genital abnormalities. in their male children.

In 2004, native white sucker fish in the Colorado Platte River were found to be hermaphrodites or half male and half female. Above the sewage outfall, the count was 1 to 1 males to females and no hermaphrodites (intersex) were found. However, below the sewage outfall females outnumbered males 9 to 1 and there were 10% hermaphrodites

More specifically, researchers found that Danish men were up to four times more likely to have testicular cancer as men in neighbouring Finland. Investigators measured levels of 121 chemicals in 68 samples of breast milk from women in Denmark and Finland. They found a dramatic difference between the two countries, as Danish breast milk had significantly higher levels of some chemicals, including dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and pesticides, than Finnish breast milk.

An initial concern in humans was raised following a study in 2004 from Reading University, UK, which demonstrated higher quantities of parabens in the outer part of the breast and within breast cancer cells themselves.(parabens are a perservative, shampoos, toothpaste, etc.)

Aluminium salts are responsible for the anti-sweating affect of antiperspirants. A study in 2007 from Keel University created a lot of media activity when it showed higher quantities of aluminium in the upper outer area of the breast in those who used antiperspirants regularly. Aluminium has also been shown to have harmful oestrogenic properties when tested in the laboratory and consequently comes under the classification of metaloestrogens. Users of Aluminium based antiperspirants are understandably concerned that the higher levels in the breast may increase the risk of cancer, although this has not been proven in a study, which would be very difficult to design.

They injected DDT(Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane is a colorless, crystalline, tasteless, and almost odorless organochlorine known for its insecticidal properties) into developing roosters for 2 to 3 months. These injections made the roosters look like hens. Testicles were only 18% of normal size and the combs and wattles remained stunted and pale. DDT in addition to being a pesticide also pretended to be estrogen.

Active components of sunscreen were tested and found to mimic estrogen. Even food plastic wrap heated in the microwave releases 500,000 times the minimum amount of xenoestrogens needed to stimulate breast cancer cells in the test tube. Laundry detergent when put into a tank with baby trout makes all the trout grow up and look like females. Xenoestrogens are ubiquitous.

A Dartmouth University study found that plastic wrap heated in a microwave oven had 500,000 times the minimum amount of xenoestrogens needed to get breast cancer cells to grow. Yes, it seems that heating food in plastic in a microwave oven can easily make migraines worse.

Nonoxynol-9 found in spermicide on condoms breaks down to nonylphenol. Breakdown products of detergents, pesticides and personal care products all give rise to nonylphenol.
Global production of alkylphenols polyethoxylate was 600 million pounds in 1990. Although the products themselves are not estrogenic, studies have found that the bacteria on the animal's bodies, in the environment, and in sewage treatment plants degrade alkylphenol polyethoxylates into nonylphenols creating xenoestrogens. This means that spermicide on condoms can be absorbed into body. The spermicide mimics estrogen.

USGS(United states Geological Survey) found that in all major watersheds there are intersex fish

Lavender & Tea Tree Oil block testosterone expression & are estrogenic

Sheep Clover disease - 1950’s Sheep farmers brought clover to Australia from the Mediterranean to boost meat level of sheep. Sheep began to have miscarriages and then after 3 years, there was no net growth in sheep. Ended up clover had a plant hormone disrupter that blocked progesterone. Similar to morning after pill. This feature is what allowed the plant to survive against over population of animals that would eat it.

However, a few recent studies do show evidence that this chemical does affect the thyroid gland. One of these studies suggest that BPA exerts a direct effect on the thyroid follicular cell, and that these cells can sense very low amounts of BPA (12). Another study explored the relationship between urinary BPA and thyroid function in a Chinese population, and their results supported previous reports of associations between BPA exposure and altered thyroid hormones

The start of menstruation is happening six months earlier than it was 40 years ago, and breast development is occurring two years earlier, according to UC Berkley researchers. "The clock has also moved up for other early pubertal signs, including body odor and the growth of pubic hair."

early puberty is linked to depression, anxiety, eating disorders and early initiation of substance use and sexual behaviors.

He became convinced in later years that 80% of Florida's bald eagles were sterile. Researchers later traced the problem to DDE, an estrogenic by-product of DDT

Xenoestrogens are not biodegradable and accumulate in fat cells. The build up of xenoestrogens in the body results in something called "estrogen dominance," which has been linked to many complications including breast, prostate and testicular cancer, obesity, infertility, endometriosis, early onset puberty, miscarriages and diabetes.

Tower Chemical Company near Orlando, Florida had a particularly large accident causing DDE to overflow into a nearby creek. This creek then emptied into Lake Apopka. Soon after, a scientific team was called in to investigate the declining number of alligators. They found more than they bargained for. One researcher described that they were witnessing sex-reversal. At least 25% of all male alligators were found to have a deformed penis, mostly reduced in size. Twenty-five years later, 75% of eggs in the lake are either dead or infertile. This is pretty compelling evidence that there is a strong estrogenic component to this insecticide. The males that did survive were demasculinized. Basically, their endocrine system began producing estrogen rather than Testosterone. To make it even worse, the alligators were not the only animals affected. Researchers found that 20% of all animals in Lake Apopka had some sort of inter-sex condition.

These chemicals can remain in the environment for years and years, some having half-lives of 25-100 years. So even if we reduced our use of these insecticides over the years, their remains are still around.

There are tons of studies showing the bad effects of xenoestrogens on animals. For example with mice, there was a study in which DES(Xeno-estrogen) was given to pregnant mice for just 2 days and several important changes in male offspring occurred. The newborn mice were hermaphrodites.

“There have been plenty of studies showing a correlation between chemicals in the environment and the effects they have on the poor folks that are exposed to them. The earliest one I can think of is the one showing the women in Guatemala who were hitting puberty at 3-4 years old. They think this was caused by being exposed to tons of xenoestrogens.”

They have linked xenoestrogens to breast cancer. For the women, like men, cancer is the worst-case scenario. The evidence is pretty compelling, especially if you look at the increased rates of breast cancer over the past several decades. The possibility that a woman in North America will contract breast cancer has risen from one chance in twenty in 1950, to the current rate of one chance in eight. Every year 182,000 American women will be diagnosed with breast cancer and 46,000 women die of the disease annually.

Cancer would be the worst. Men are particularly susceptible to prostate cancer with increased estrogen exposure; estrogens of any sort, including xenoestrogens. In the slightly less atrocious category, they could also have detrimental effects on your body composition.

In 1990, a study at the Hebrew University's Hadassah School of Medicine showed that in the decade between 1976 and 1986, Israel was unique among 28 countries surveyed in that it actually registered a significant drop in breast cancer mortality. What they eventually connected this drop in breast cancer mortality to was a 1978 Israeli ban on the use of three xenoestrogenic pesticides, including DDT

Predatory fish have increased levels of xenoestrogens in their fat tissue, since they're eating other fish who were storing these chemicals in their fat tissue. The same goes for humans.

“I want to stress that even though there's a chance that you'll consume pesticides by eating fruits and vegetables, you should NOT decrease your consumption of fruits and vegetables. They are your front line of defense against being contaminated by xenoestrogens.”

Several varieties of fruits and vegetables have Calcium D-glucarate. This is a botanical extract found in high levels in grapefruit, apples, oranges, broccoli, and brussels sprouts. This extract allows the body to excrete hormones such as estrogen before they can become reabsorbed.

“Black grapes are nature's best source of resveratrol, a compound that has recently been the subject of numerous studies because of its antioxidant properties and its potential to ward off Alzheimer's disease.”

The hormonal theory of sexuality holds that, just as exposure to certain hormones plays a role in fetal sex differentiation, such exposure also influences the sexual orientation that emerges later in the adult. Prenatal hormones may be seen as the primary determinant of adult sexual orientation, or a co-factor with genes, biological factors and/or environmental and social conditions.

The hormonal theory of sexuality and gender identity holds that, just as exposure to certain hormones plays a role in fetal sex differentiation, such exposure also influences the sexual orientation and or gender identity that emerges later in the adult. Differences in brain structure that come about from chemical messengers and genes interacting on developing brain cells are believed to be the basis of sex differences in countless behaviors, including sexual orientation. Prenatal factors that affect or interfere with the interaction of these hormones on the developing brain can influence later sex-typed behavior in children.This hypothesis is originated from countless experimental studies in non-human mammals, yet the argument that similar effects can be seen in human neurobehavioral development is a much debated topic among scholars. Recent studies, however, have provided evidence in support of prenatal androgen exposure influencing childhood sex-typed behavior.

Most extensively studied in organizational effects of hormones is congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH).[8] CAH is a genetic disease that results in exposure to high levels of androgens beginning early in gestation. Girls with CAH are born with masculinized genitalia, which is corrected surgically as soon as possible.[7][8] CAH provides the opportunity for natural experiments, as people with CAH can be compared to people without it. However, "CAH is not a perfect experiment", since, "social responses to masculinized genitalia or factors related to the disease itself" can confound results.[7] Nonetheless several studies have shown that CAH has a clear but not determining influence on sexual orientation; women with CAH are less likely to be exclusively heterosexual than are other women.

In a 1991 study, Simon LeVay demonstrated that a tiny clump of neurons of the anterior hypothalamus—which is believed to control sexual behavior and linked to prenatal hormones— known as the interstitial nuclei of the anterior was, on average, more than twice the size in heterosexual men when contrasted to homosexual men.

High Fruit Diet focusing on Calcium D-glucarate/Resveratrol
Avoid Hydrogenated Oil(High Fructose Corn Syrup)
Lose weight as estrogen is stored in fat
Use natural soaps/detergents
Avoid estrogenic fragrances, parabens in toothpaste and cosmetic products
Mothers should avoid Xenoestrogens when pregnant
Discourage usage of Birth control
Ditch plastic, polycarbonates, saran wrap, etc.
Heat things in the microwave using ceramic, etc.
Indole-3-carbinol which is in Cauliflower helps remove foreign estrogens

I'd like to note that this is all really just the tip of the iceberg and that there are a bunch of parallels and connections you can make with Xenoestrogens & current events in society

Sources & Other Interesting Info:


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