Here in the US some drink coffee and tea but the vast majority of people drink soda fairly regularly. When I was a kid and stuck in a gutted house working, we'd have a cooler with 2 or 3 bottles of water and 6 or more sodas (with 4 of us working!) So I got addicted to caffeine in the form of soda which in the US is especially bad for you. Drank soda every day for 24 years and recently quit caffeine.. I found out how much I was relying on it to get up and going and feel 'normal' when I no longer had it.
I dont know the health ramifications for you or your local laws, but you can get caffeine powder here...and small amounts could be added into your pineapple juice. That is how I tapered down from ~200mg a day to 30mg before quitting completely. The chocolate idea is also good.
Yes I can get Caffeine tablets if I want but I might not resort to it because it is quite addictive plus it is said to affect bones so I better maybe just use caffeine whenever I needed it much. @lostgeneration