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RE: Why I Am Choosing Not To Forgive You

in #health7 years ago

Forgiveness is one of the most powerful acts we can perform. If not for them, for ourselves. You say you do not hold a grudge, but to keep the acknowledgement of wrong-doing in our minds is like picking up a hit coal, thinking it will protect us. To not forgive is to burn ourselves. To let go of the past and release judgment creates a peace of mind that is indescribable.

We can forgive someone but keep distance from them. It is wise to acknowledge the karma others manifest for themselves and act to protect ourselves, but to do so by cutting a person out of our lives is both harsh and foolish. When a person is at their darkest, the light from a loved one's heart can turn their world upside down. Likewise, when someone who has wronged you comes around, and you have not cast judgment on them, the love that can manifest is powerful and freeing.

I understand where you're coming from, I really do. I've been hurt by so many people in the past. I found that by stepping out of those cycles of thinking negatively about others and only radiating love fundamentally shifts the way these scenarios resolve themselves. People are used to the type of responses they get from people they do wrong against, so when you turn the other cheek and wholly forgive a person it shakes their foundation. They will see the freeness you have, and even if it does not have an immediate impact, it will always be in their mind, slowly awakening them to the power of the heart.


I see your point and appreciate your comment. I feel like letting this person go from my life is what is best for us both honestly. I love them and want what is best for them but I feel like they do not want what is best for themselves. They make poor decisions that don't benefit them and seem to want only to take from others. I have let them go with love and light. I honestly don't harbor a grudge against them but feel that the purpose that we have served in each other's lives is now over. I have forgiven this individual many times in the past but they have continued to harm me so I just can't allow it to continue because it robs me of my peace. Thanks so much for sharing your insight with me!- Ivy