100% correct.
It also means it can be dismantled...
It's easy to retract- just point at time when this wans't an issue (for me- as a teenager, there were any real problems - mid 80's- just as an example)
Simply implement identical nutrition, education, physical activity - I realize its not that simple, but I'm sure you understand the principle I'm getting at.
Set the clock back in regards to these issues .
We know at this point in time, mental health wasn't an issue in children. And lets start fro that point...
Common sense solution- rather than falling down the rabbit hole of over complicating a problem= when the chances are the solution is staring us in the face!
Oh I know. That's the thing with society tho, it refuses to go back...
I agree, the solutions are simple. But tends to be obliged by the piles of nonsense overcomplicating the issue.