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RE: Limited mobility | Unlimited stories: what is a Spoonie and am I one too?

in #health7 years ago

I have heard about this spoon theory but I did not know exactly what it meant. My brain fog did not help remembering the term, thus I never googled it to see what it meant. Thank you for the explanation.
When you have limited energy levels, you need to think your day in advance and try to plan it according to your limitations. It does not mean you can't have fun anymore! You just have to be more cautious not to deplete your energy levels/spoons otherwise you won't be enjoying your day. Yes, there are a lot more things that you need to do or pack before going somewhere, but it's better to be prepared. When we have a "normal" day we tend to forget our limitations and end up drained of energy which is so precious.


I'm so glad I could 'give back' the term to you @lymepoet! I've noticed people who care about us like using the term, because it can be so much easier to ask 'how many spoons do you have left?', than to try to understand what we mean when we say our bodies are sore, we're tired... I hope some people around you are willing to read it.

Yes, we need to plan ahead more, not just days, but also the whole week - 'that day is heavy so I calculate resting days two days after that one'. It's okay and as long as we indeed stay within our limits we can still do awesome stuff and have a lot of fun. It's a constant finetuning though :D