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RE: British Lock Down – COVID-19 - A New Monster Visits Maple Street

in #health5 years ago

I know the sky is falling, I’m old-crazy!

This is the image that came into my mind when I read that:

Screen Shot 20200326 at 5.46.22 PM.png

Uhh, the 'late to the birthday' part of the rant made me almost spit out my coffee bwa hahahaaa :) Glad you're keeping your beautiful sense of dark humour through all life is throwing at you!


Thank you, that picture is great!

All I can do is laugh and a complete overhaul of my eating habits, because I'm suppose to be walking, but the government is cracking down on that. Although, some sort of parade came through the ghetto last night, tossing bombs and all clapping in unison, so, I don't even know what to make of that, protesters?

Anyways, how are things in America's prettier sister: Canada? Are their any hints of a lockdown that will stop the flow of beavertails... Seriously, what's up with beavertails? They look so delicious that Sarah instantly got sad when I showed her an image, because she can't have one.

Well about the beavertails, I've never had one either so tell Sarah not to be sad! I think it's an Ontario thing (our most popular province, home to Toronto). People I know from there just rave about them! Fuck, now I want one like I've never wanted one before hahaa!!!

People here are allowed outside, though big parks are forbidden sauce lol. No congregating anywhere either. Only letting one person go to the store etc. I live out in the boonies so no one is giving me or the boys the stink eye for being outside. Yet... Who knows how far the brainwashing will go. ... kind of frightening...

Yeah, I've only ever seen them in Ontario. My friend has a franchise.

Beavertails are so fucking good. I miss them terribly.